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Aaron sat beside his friend and mentor, hoping and praying this wasn’t the end. He hadn’t had a chance to tell Daniel he would take on the management of his estate. He hadn’t been able to thank him for all the kindness and friendship Daniel had extended over the years.

The older man moaned and stirred. Aaron continued to pray for him. He could still see the panicked expression on Isabella’s face when she cried out for help. He would have done anything for her in that moment.

Daniel moaned again, and Aaron patted his hand. “Wake up, my friend. Wake up and see what a beautiful spring day it is.”

The doctor had come and gone, telling them there was nothing more he could do. Daniel would have good days and bad, but the end was drawing near.

Aaron had written a long letter to his father about Daniel. He had told his father what a blessing he had been. How he had kept Aaron faithfully attending church and studying his Bible. He explained how well they worked together and how Daniel had asked Aaron to take over his duties and watch over his wife and daughter.

He had even told his father about Isabella and how muchthey had been at odds in the beginning, but that now he was actually developing feelings for the young woman. He hadn’t admitted it to anyone else. He could barely face up to it himself; how could he share it? Isabella had been the bane of his existence when she returned to Silver Veil, but time had changed her. She had faced difficulties that caused her to put aside her childish ways. She had lost her aunt, and that hadn’t been easy for her. The home in California had been ripped away once again. She had to accept that her father was dying and what the loss would mean to her mother. And she’d had to deal with Diego’s deceptions.

Daniel had told Aaron all about the accusations and problems. He told Aaron that he worried that while Isabella was upset enough to avoid Diego for now, she might very well start to feel sorry for him and try to see him again.

Aaron didn’t think so, however. He believed Isabella was a very levelheaded young woman despite the selfishness she’d exuded for years. She wasn’t given to letting her emotions control her. She was actually quite sensible.

“Aar ... Aaron,” Daniel murmured.

Aaron saw that Daniel’s eyes were open and smiled. “Glad to have you back with us.”

“What happened?”

He was barely able to speak, so Aaron reached for the glass of water on the bedside table. “Here, have a drink.”

Daniel sipped the water, then waved that he’d had enough. This time his voice was clearer. “What happened?

Aaron returned the glass to the table. “A couple of days ago, Isabella found you unconscious at your desk in the library. You’d been working on the plans for the Founder’s Day celebration, and the doctor presumes you had a bad spell and lost consciousness.”

The older man closed his eyes and gave the tiniest nod.“I remember working on the seating arrangement for the head table.”

“Yes. Isabella and Mrs. Garcia are now managing that and most everything else.”

Daniel smiled and opened his eyes again. “I’m glad.”

For several moments he said nothing else. Aaron listened to his ragged but steady breathing, knowing that what he’d waited to say would be the best of news to Daniel.

“I want to tell you something, but I don’t want you getting ideas that ... that you can somehow go ahead and die on us.” Aaron smiled but had never felt more uneasy.

“You’re going to take over for me.”

Aaron nodded. “Yes.”

“I knew you would. God told me ... to be patient.”

“Did He also tell you that I would need you to stick around a while longer to teach me what I need to know?”

“You’ll figure it out, Aaron. There’s a good man who handles the silver processing and another who oversees the mine. I’ve told them both about you and that you would be taking over for me ... very soon.”

Aaron couldn’t help but laugh. “That was pretty presumptuous, don’t you think?”

“It was God’s assurance.” Daniel seemed to perk up a bit. “I don’t suppose He’s given you the go-ahead to marry my daughter, has He?”

Aaron swallowed the lump in his throat. “I don’t hate her anymore,” he offered.

Daniel laughed, which led to a coughing jag. Mrs. Garcia had apparently heard it, because she soon appeared at the door with medicine.

“Oh, my dear, you’re awake,” she said. “How wonderful. I’ve been so hoping you would come back to me, at least for a little while.”
