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“I know. That’s what started me thinking about all of this. My hard heart punished her for no wrong whatsoever. I feel so guilty and full of regret, but thank God I have changed. Or at least I’m trying to change.”

Mama squeezed her hand. “You have a good heart, Isabella, and I see the change.”

“I think working with you and the ladies at church, as well as spending time with Papi and learning the truth, has transformed me for the better. I actually prayed the other night. It’s been so long because I just didn’t think God cared,but now I see that He does. And even if His answers to my requests are no, I now believe He does answer.”

Her mother pulled her close and hugged Isabella. Their straw hats collided, and they laughed. “We’re going to be all right, Isabella. God will see to it. I just know He will.”

Isabella nodded and felt compelled to bring up the other topic that consumed her thoughts. “Mama, what do you think of Aaron?”

“In what way?”

“I suppose ... well, I know Papi trusts him completely. I think Papi even wishes that I would ... that we might...”


Isabella gave a nervous laugh. “Yes. I know it sounds silly.”

“Not at all. Your father believes that Aaron is the man God intends for you to marry. He has prayed on it for some time.”

Isabella couldn’t contain her surprise at her mother’s words. “I had the feeling Papi wished I would consider Aaron instead of Diego, but how could he know that God wants us together?”

“I’m not entirely sure, but we’ve prayed for your husband since you were born. We have always wanted an honorable man who loved God, one who would put God first and you a close second. There was no one, however, who we thought could fill those shoes. We considered Diego when you were younger, but he was so impetuous and unreliable, so your father didn’t look at him for long. Then Aaron came into our lives, and Papi started spending more and more time with him. They valued each other’s opinions and studied the Bible together and prayed. One day your father told me that he felt Aaron was the one to become your husband—that God had laid that clearly on his heart. Of course, we knew at the time that you two couldn’t stand each other. We hadhoped in sending Aaron to bring you home that the past would be forgotten and you two would find something of interest in each other.”

“And instead, I acted horribly spoiled and was angry that you had sent someone to watch over me.” Isabella shook her head.

“Why do you ask about our thoughts toward Aaron?” Mama questioned.

Isabella shrugged. “Things have changed between us. I’m not sure I entirely understand my feelings toward him. I thought I understood love, but it’s so obvious that my feelings for Diego weren’t really love, or I wouldn’t be able to cast them aside so easily.”

Mama nodded. “Sometimes we build up dreams and feelings in our head, and they’re based on nothing but illusions. Ask God to help you figure out your feelings for Aaron, one way or the other. He will. I promise.”

A little before noon, Aaron brought Daniel down to join the fiesta. There were tables full of food in the center of the plaza, where people were already lined up to help themselves. Father Eduardo got everyone’s attention and offered a prayer of blessing for the food and the man who had made it all possible. When he finished, he gave instructions for an orderly feast and turned the people loose to eat.

Aaron helped Daniel up the few steps to the raised table at the front of the park. Most of the townspeople were spreading blankets on the ground for a true picnic, but here and there, tables had been set up for the elderly or those who preferred not to sit on the ground.

Once Daniel was seated, Aaron put the wheelchair behindthem at the side of the bandstand. He was about to join Daniel at the table when Helena and Isabella showed up, both holding large plates of food.

“We’ve brought you lunch,” Helena declared. “We didn’t want either of you to have to wait in line.”

“What about you, my dear?” Daniel asked.

“I took care of that as well. Lupe is bringing our plates.”

Just then the little maid showed up, carrying two plates with more modest portions of food.

Helena sat to the right of her husband while Isabella took the seat to his left. Aaron wasn’t sure if his place had been predetermined, but he wanted to spend time with Isabella, and seeing as how she had his food, he sat down beside her.

“Here you are,” she said, placing the food in front of him. “I hope you like it all. I tried to remember whether or not I’d seen you eat these things before.”

“That was very considerate.”

She smiled at him and took her plate from Lupe. “Thank you, Lupe. Now, go have some fun and enjoy the rest of the day with your friends. Oh, and thank you for coming early to help set up.”

“It was my pleasure,” the younger woman replied. She all but danced away.

“I think Lupe has a young man paying her court,” Helena said in a conspiratorial fashion. “Perhaps we’ll have a wedding soon.”

Aaron kept his focus on the food. Daniel had already asked him about that possibility with him and Isabella. Aaron could only assure Daniel that they were at least getting along and enjoyed each other’s company. Daniel had chided him that he was taking much too long to win his daughter’s heart.
