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Daniel and Helena sat awaiting news of their daughter. They had prayed off and on throughout the night, knowing there was nothing else they could do but also knowing that through prayer they’d seen God move mountains.

Helena had gotten into bed fully clothed beside Daniel. She sat against the headboard and held his hand. He knew she was there as much for him as for herself. They had always turned to each other in times of difficulty.

“I’m sure he’ll find her and she’ll be safe. Diego wouldn’t hurt her,” Daniel said, giving his wife’s hand a squeeze.

“I know. I feel certain of that too.” She squeezed back.

The minutes became hours, and still they waited. Neither had ever known so grave a time, but they found strength in God and in each other. Daniel couldn’t help but wonder what his precious wife would do once he was gone. She was too young to follow him quickly in death. God willing. He prayed she’d have a long and fulfilling life—live to see their grandchildren and tell them stories of their grandfather—but doing it by herself would be lonely.

He turned to her. “You know, if God allows it, I will always look after you. And if not, the Bible does say there are angels who watch over us and that God will never leave us nor forsake us.”

“It won’t be the same, but yes, I know what the Bible says.”

Daniel looked at her. “I’ve fought all these years to remain at your side.”

She continued to stare straight ahead. “And now that fight is coming to an end.”

“Yes, but my love for you never will. You must always carry that in your heart. Still, if there should come a time when another man enters your life ... to love you, promise me that you won’t dismiss him.”

This made her glance his way. “There will never be anyone but you, Daniel. You know that very well. I will be your widow and carry your love to my grave.”

Daniel started to speak, but there was a commotion in the hall and then a loud knock on the door.

“Come in!” he called, anxious for any word.

Pablo burst into the room. “Señor Aaron has her. The men have found her and captured Señor Morales. They are coming down the mountain. Señorita Isabella is all right. She is safe.”
