Page 83 of The One You Want

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“I’ll add it to the order. Anything else?”

Gray and Marc shook their heads no and Rochelle left to put in their order.

“Maggie told me that you helped fix the cake situation,” Marc said to Gray. “Thanks. I want her to have the wedding of her dreams, and the cake is a big part of that.”

“It was no big deal. All I did was use a contact to make another for her. But I’m glad it worked out.” Gray turned to Maggie. “Were you able to get something close to what you wanted?”

“Actually, the baker had an amazing idea for the cake that she could do in time. It’s going to be gorgeous.”

Rose was happy to hear it. “So maybe it worked out for the best.”

Maggie nodded. “Tomorrow is the wedding rehearsal and rehearsal dinner. Both our immediate families will meet for the first time. And of course you guys will be there.”

Rose put her hand over Maggie’s on the table. “It’s going to be great.”

“Is your dad coming?” Gray asked Marc.

“What do you mean?” Maggie turned to Marc. “Why wouldn’t your dad come?” Maggie breathed hard and stared at Marc, who glared at Gray.

Marc turned to Maggie. “He’s being difficult—”

Gray scoffed.

Marc glared at him again. “Something to say?”

Gray shook his head. “No.”

“I didn’t think so.” Marc gave Gray a shut-up look and faced Maggie again. “My dad and I argued. We do it a lot. We said some things we didn’t mean. He made some demands and I refused to give in because I’m an adult, not a child he gets to order around.”

The conversation should be private, but Rose and Gray were their reluctant audience. Rose watched Gray as she listened to Marc and saw the exact opposite expressions on Gray’s face than the calm, it’s-not-a-big-deal look Marc wore.

“What did you argue about?” Maggie asked.

“The same thing we always clash on. How I live my life.” Marc rolled his eyes to add to the exasperated tone.

“I thought he was happy for us?” Maggie sounded nervous and unsure.

“He is. He wants to see me settled down and married. He’ll be there tomorrow,” Marc assured her. “I’m his only child. There’s no way he’s going to miss my wedding. Trust me, this will blow over. It always does.”

The almost imperceptible shake of Gray’s head didn’t make Rose believe Marc’s words.

“You’re sure?” Maggie asked. “Because we can’t get married without your dad and his girlfriend there.”

“They’ll be there. Just like my mom, they’re driving down tomorrow afternoon.”

A man arrived with their drinks and Gray stood and shook the guy’s hand while he balanced the tray in his other hand.

“Jack. You didn’t have to bring them yourself.”

“I’ve only got a minute. The bar is busy as usual, but I wanted to say hi and thank you again for the help. You’re a lifesaver.”

“Just doing a friend a favor, that’s all.” Gray turned to them. “Jack, this is my cousin Marc and his fiancée, Maggie. They’re getting married this Saturday.”

Marc and Maggie said hello.

Gray smiled at Rose. “And this is my girlfriend, Rose.”

Jack’s eyes went wide. “It’s really nice to meet you. And to see him having a good time with someone.”
