Page 84 of The One You Want

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“It’s nice to meet you, too. How do you two know each other?”

Jack glanced at Gray, then back at her. “Um...” He started handing out their drinks.

Gray filled her in. “I dated his sister a few years back.”

“Things didn’t work out for them, but Gray and I are still friends,” Jack added. “Personally, I think my sister screwed up. And she probably knows that, but it’s a pattern with her.” Jack shrugged. “You guys have a good night. I’ve got to get back behind the bar.” He turned to Gray. “Bring her back soon.”

“I will.” Gray slid his arm along the back of her chair and brushed his fingers against her arm. He picked up his drink and held it aloft to her.

She tapped her wine glass to his tumbler, gave him a smile, then sipped her drink as he did the same.

“Why did you and his sister break up?” Marc asked. “Were you too busy working to pay attention to her?”

“Yes,” Gray readily admitted. “But that didn’t excuse her cheating on me.”

She put her hand on his thigh and squeezed to let him know she sympathized.

He glanced down at her hand on him and acknowledged the intimate gesture with a desire-filled look that was also warm and affectionate.

“I’m really sorry, Gray.” Maggie sat back in her chair. “That sucks. I’m sure at the time, it hurt deeply.”

Gray turned away from Rose and smiled at Maggie. “It did. That experience makes me appreciate the open and honest relationship I have with Rose even more.”

Marc narrowed his gaze on Gray, but Gray didn’t see it because he was looking at Rose.

She understood the undercurrents between Gray and Marc because of their past, but there was something more going on tonight, and it wasn’t just about her and Marc’s past encounter.

Rose had hoped they’d find a friendly balance because they were each with the one they wanted to be with now, but it didn’t seem like Marc wanted to do that.

“No one is ever completely honest in a relationship,” Marc said, taking a sip of his drink. “You can’t seriously mean you tell Rose everything.”

Gray left that hanging while Rochelle arrived with theirappetizers. Rose wondered if Gray was keeping something from her, but quickly dismissed it as just another way Marc was trying to instigate something between them.

Maggie saved the conversation by changing the subject to something much more neutral. “It’s a beautiful night. Have you two had time to go to the beach and walk on the sand? Marc and I spent an hour down there before dinner. It’s so lovely.”

Rose moaned over one of the crab artichoke poppers before she could answer. “Gray had to work all day and I was at home, spending time with my mom and sister. But maybe tonight we’ll take a walk before he drives me home.”

“You’re not staying with him?” Marc asked, and casually dipped a piece of bread in the lobster fondue.

“That’s none of your business,” Maggie scolded him.

“What? Why? Is there trouble in paradise for you two?”

Maggie frowned. “Marc, stop. How they spend their time together is their business.”

Marc shrugged. “He introduced her as his girlfriend. I just thought they were... you know... But maybe I’m wrong.”

Maggie shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Excuse him. I thought we could sit down to a meal and not poke at the elephant in the room, but I guess we can’t.” She glared at Marc. “So what is it? You’re happy they aren’t sleeping together yet? You hope they don’t? You want to stick it to Gray for some reason? Or maybe you’re just mad at Rose for telling the truth when you wanted to hide it?”

“Babe, no. Come on. Poking at Gray is what I do,” he teased with a grin. “He knows that. I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“Well, now it’s a little more personal, don’t you think, because Rose is my best friend, Gray and Rose are together, and I’m marrying you? Though I’m thinking twice about it if you’re still hung up on her,” she snapped with irritation.

“Wait. Whoa. No.” Marc sat up straighter. “This has gotten way out of hand. There is nothing going on between me and Rose.”

Maggie glared at Marc. “Funny. That’s not what I suggested, but that’s where your head went.”

Gray put his hand over Rose’s tangled ones in her lap. She grasped his in both of hers and kept her head down.
