Page 33 of Feel the Rhythm

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Chapter 11

WhenIgothomethat evening, exhaustion mixed with a deep sense of satisfaction I always had after teaching dance. I had barely opened the front door when Amy accosted me.

“Ivy. I need you,” she said breathlessly.

“Can I get something to eat first?” I asked.

“No time to eat!” she exclaimed. She pursed her lips and reconsidered. “Actually, you’re cranky when you’re hungry. Go eat first.”

I huffed a laugh and headed into the kitchen, making myself a snack of peanut butter toast and banana. I used the butter knife to wave at my mom and Katy, who were busy doing homework at the kitchen table.

“Okay, what’s up?” I asked with a mouth full of food.

Amy wrinkled her nose. “I would’ve waited an extra minute for you to finish your bite.”

I made a big show of chewing and swallowing. “Fine. What’s up?”

She sighed dramatically. “Scott asked to meet up.”

My eyes widened. Did she know about us? Was this the moment? Was she going to corner me now and ask if we were dating? “What . . . ?How . . .?” I stammered. I cleared my throat and tried again. “I don’t see why you need me.”

“I need you for moral support. I already asked Lucas to be there, too. But you and Scott seemed like you were getting friendly back at Hannah’s wedding, dancing together and everything. I thought you’d be a good common ground between us.”

My mouth went dry. I grabbed a glass of water, hoping Amy would just think the peanut butter made me thirsty. I sipped it slowly, trying desperately to figure out how to get out of this.

“I’m sure Lucas is good enough moral support,” I said, setting the glass down on the counter and trying to wave off the responsibility.

“Ivy!” my mom exclaimed.

“It’s okay, Rachel.” Amy shook her head. “Ivy, you know Scott doesn’t really like Lucas. I need someone who’s been around him forever. You know him. You’re basically family.” She stepped closer to me and took my hands. “Please, Ivy. I need my best friend.”

How could I say no to that? I looked down at our joined hands and thought for another moment. I could do this. I could be there for her. She deserved it. “Only for you,” I said. Amy squeezed me into a big hug.

“So, when are we meeting up with him?” I asked, taking another big bite of my snack.

A knock sounded at the door.

“Right now,” Amy said.

My jaw went slack, which was not the most appealing look, considering I had mashed banana and peanut butter taking up space in there.

“I told you we didn’t have time!” Amy exclaimed as she ran to the front door.

I looked down at my clothes. He had seen me like this before, but it felt different now that we were officially dating.

Their muffled voices sounded from the front door, and I chewed as fast as I could. My mom and Katy were quickly gathering all her homework papers from the kitchen table so they could relocate.

“Mom!” I hissed. “Did you know about this?”

She cringed. “Maybe . . .”

“Oh, my goodness. You let me sit here stuffing my face instead of getting changed.”

“Why does it matter?” she asked.

“It . . . doesn’t. Never mind.”

She narrowed her eyes at me but didn’t dwell on it. “We’ll be in Katy’s room.” On their way out of the kitchen, they passed Amy and Scott. “Hi, Scott,” she said.
