Page 35 of Feel the Rhythm

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Amy opened her mouth to say something, but I bolted out of the room before she could speak. Once I was safely in my bedroom with the door shut, I pulled out my phone and texted Scott quickly.Good call on leaving early. And I really am proud of you.

The response didn’t come back for a few minutes, since he was driving home. I pulled out a couple costumes and started gluing on rhinestones to pass the time (and so I wouldn’t be lying to Amy). His response came through after I was almost done with one skirt.You didn’t seem to have much control over yourself there. I had to keep you from turning your kitchen into a petting zoo.

My cheeks flushed with embarrassment, but he wasn’t wrong. A minute later, another text came from him.And thank you. You’ve taught me a lot. I’m just glad things are smoothed over with her.The heat moved from my cheeks to my chest, and I felt a sense of great peace and calm. I turned on Justin Timberlake’s first solo album and grooved along to the beat while I spent the rest of the evening gluing on rhinestones.

“Why did you have to go to the studio again today?” Scott asked the next evening. “I thought you didn’t work Tuesdays.”

I sighed, sipped my champagne, and stared at the strawberry in my hand. Scott had gone all out, planning a perfect picnic at the Sandy Lane Park overlooking the ocean. After eating pasta salad and fresh lemonade, he brought out champagne and fruit. He even thought to pack a little vase with pink roses, my favorite. It was so thoughtful and romantic. Even though we had been together last night when he came over to my house, I hadn’t had the chance to be close or touch him like this.

Well, except for petting him.

But being with him here, comfortable together, made all my stress melt away. At least temporarily.

“Lisa asked me to brainstorm dance themes for Blake’s teams,” I finally answered.

“Isn’t that Blake’s job?”

“Well . . . yes. But she asked me to help.”

“But why were you there all evening?”

Was there any way to say this without making it sound like I was constantly working for free? I guessed not. “Blake never showed up, so I ran her rehearsal.”

“Are you getting paid?” he pressed.

I sipped my champagne, wagging my eyebrows at Scott over the top of my glass.

He sighed. “Ivy, you’re worth so much more than that.”

“I know. And Lisa knows, too. She’s stuck in a really hard spot right now. I overheard her talking with the accountant, and she’s on the verge of losing the studio. So how could I ask for more money?”

“Is she going to raise tuition?”

I nodded, remembering the conversation I had with her after that phone call.

“Sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt,” I murmured. I had meant to come complain about Blake not showing up for rehearsal and instead overheard her conversation with the accountant. All the wind in my sails disappeared.

She shrugged. “I let you in on most of my troubles.”

“Could we really lose the studio? I didn’t realize it was so bad.”

She looked back down at her phone. “It’s possible. But I think we’ll be okay if we raise tuition.”

“That’s the plan,” I answered Scott. “Which will destroy my parents’ budget, too.”

He nodded slowly, processing everything. Resigned, he shrugged one shoulder. “It’ll all work out.”

I was a little surprised that he seemed so unfazed, but I was ready to stop talking about the studio. “Amy seemed really happy this morning,” I said, changing the subject.

He smiled widely. “I’m really glad.”

“And Lucas, too. I think he’s now the vice-president of your fan club.”

Scott quirked an eyebrow. “Oh, really? And who’s the president?”

I shrugged my shoulder. “Me, of course.”

“And what happens at these meetings? Do I need to be jealous?”
