Page 39 of Feel the Rhythm

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Instead of continuing to fight back, I played the part of defeat. “Maybe you’re right. But until then, I want the PDA to be less . . . public.”

“You got it,” Lucas said.

“So, when is this dinner happening?” I asked.

“This Saturday,” Amy replied.

“That’s only three days away! Is that enough time to rent a dress?”

Amy laughed. “Yes, it is. I’m not sure I want to rent one this time, though. I did that for years.”

“No, no, no,” Lucas interjected. “Have some fun getting dressed up. You have a friend this time. You and Ivy both get dresses to rent.”

I hesitated. Even though we would be renting expensive dresses instead of buying them, the cost was unexpected. And I was trying to save up as much as I could.

Amy noticed my inner dilemma. “We’ll cover it, Ivy. Stella gave Lucas a good bonus from our summer in Georgia.”

As much as I didn’t want a handout, I did enjoy getting dressed up. This was probably the closest to one of the fancy galas I’d ever get. And the thought of getting a glamorous dress, wearing it for Scott, the look in his eye when I walked into the room—the butterflies started dancing around in my stomach in anticipation. I nodded in agreement. “Sounds great. Let’s get to shopping!”

After spending the morning looking for dresses on Rent the Runway, I called Scott during my drive to the studio.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he said. “Good timing. I’m on my lunch break.”

Just hearing his voice brought a huge smile to my face. “Perfect. I’m on my way to the studio now.”

“This early? Are kids actually there?”

“I have private lessons with a couple girls who homeschool. Then Blake the Flake is supposed to be there at three to finally go over my concepts for her dances.”

“Private lessons pay more, right?”

“Yeah, thank goodness. So, it’s worth the time. Anyway, I wanted to ask you about something.”

“Oh? Now I’m worried.”

“Did you know your dad reached out to Amy and wants to hold a family dinner?”

He hesitated. “Yes, I knew. I told him we had talked, and he wanted to have a chance with her, too.”

“Is he being earnest?” I pressed.

He laughed. “Are we in the regency era? Yes, he is in earnest.”

It seemed like watching Pride and Prejudice was rubbing off on me. “What about your mom?”

“I can’t speak for her. But if we’re all on Amy’s side, my mother doesn’t have a leg to stand on.”

I nodded, even though he couldn’t see me. One more fun question for him. “And did you know he wants me there, too?”



“No, I didn’t know that.” It sounded like he was holding back laughter.

“Scott! This is not funny. Amy will totally figure us out. She knows something’s up.”

“So what? Why are you so worried about her finding out? She and I are talking again, and she seems open to repairing our relationship. You really think she’d be mad?”
