Page 55 of Feel the Rhythm

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“That’s an overreaction,” she muttered to herself.

Leave it to my mom to call me out. “I’m sorry. I’m a little on edge.” I sighed. “I wouldn’t know. I don’t talk to him anymore.”

“Why not?” my mom asked.

I shook my head. “He added an extra layer of complication. I don’t need that.”

She looked like she wanted to say more, but she let it drop. Then she pinched my side.

“Yeouch!” I yelped. “What was that for?”

“Are you losing weight?” she asked.

I sighed. “Not intentionally.” I looked down at my jeans and cute pink sweater that hung on my frame a little more than they did last year.

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“I’ve been so busy that I forget to eat.”

Her eyes filled with concern. “You love eating more than any woman I know. You’re sure it’s not intentional?”

“You just said it yourself, I love food. Trust me, I want to eat. But I don’t have time.”

She tossed me a banana from the fruit basket. “Eat this.”

I shook my head and tossed it back to her. “I’m going to Amy and Lucas’s house for dinner. I’ll eat there, I promise.” I checked the clock and grabbed my bag from the table. “I should get going. I’ll see you tonight.” I gave my mom a kiss on the cheek and headed to the door.

The drive down the coast was beautiful. When was the last time I actually just enjoyed being near the ocean? That’s right. The incredibly romantic picnic Scott had planned for us. What I wouldn’t give for one more evening with him. Instead, I had a million things running through my mind, trying to remember my schedule for tomorrow. Before my family’s accident, I probably would have checked my phone at each red light, but now that I knew the dangers of being on my phone while driving, I relied on my memory. I had to help in the garden tomorrow, finish up the rhinestones before the competition showcase next weekend—and did I have a catering event in the morning? I’d have to check my calendar when I parked.

But when I turned onto Amy’s street and I got my first in-person glimpse of their new house, all thoughts of my schedule flew from my mind. Holy biscuits, as Amy would say.

High on the hills of Canyon Cove, their house was set on a perch with an incredible view of the ocean. The front entryway was a serene garden, complete with a tiny trickling river and pond. I could imagine Amy sitting on the stone bench practicing her calligraphy while Lucas sat in the chair playing the guitar. I wondered if Amy had invited Scott over here yet, and I thought about how nice it would have been for all four of us to enjoy a warm summer evening out here together. Shaking thoughts of Scott from my mind, I headed to their front door. Before I could even knock, Lucas flung the door open.

“Come in, come in!” He enveloped me in a big hug. Amy stood behind him with a smile lighting her face.

“Your house is incredible,” I said, glancing around.

“Oh, thanks,” Amy smiled. “I never thought we’d be able to live somewhere like this. Turns out Stella is a very generous boss.”

I nodded, a little uncomfortable. Amy always grew up with money, but in our adult years, we were on the same playing field. Just making it paycheck to paycheck. Now we were back to our usual disparity.

I pasted a big smile on my face. “Show me around! I can’t wait to see.”

Before Amy could take me, Hannah and Evan arrived. Amy took us girls on a tour while the guys stayed back and had a couple drinks from the built-in bar. The master bedroom, with an incredible deck overlooking the ocean below the hills of their house, took my breath away.

“Wow, Amy,” I whispered. “This is amazing.”

“Thanks,” she said. “I come out here and do my calligraphy work all the time. Lucas plays and writes songs. It’s kind of perfect.”

“I can only imagine,” I said.

“You always did love the beach and the ocean,” Hannah said.

Amy nodded. “The ocean is grounding for me. The waves come and go. I can breathe better here.”

I watched the waves for a minute with them. Back and forth. In and out.

“It’s like a dance,” I said.
