Page 20 of Wicked Crown

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In a flash, the monster was gone.It moved so fast he couldn’t track it.Nothing natural zoomed like that.He searched the darkness, finding no sign of it.

His heart hammered in his chest as though his powers had jolted it into a manic pace.The roar in his ears was all he could hear.

“Goblin.”The word tasted sour on his tongue.He pressed as far into the leather seats as he could.The material creaked beneath him from the pressure of fighting for one more inch.

They needed to go now.He hadn’t made it this far by standing still as easy prey.He opened his parched mouth to demand the not-a-mobster get them out of there, but more words wouldn’t come.He could out-argue anyone, and this creature had robbed him of speech.

“We n…n…” He swallowed to stop the stammer.“We need to go before it comes back.”

“Ooh, I’d be careful.”Alys used her damned nursery rhyme–reciting voice.“She doesn’t like when you call her an ‘it.’That’s dehumanizing.”

She?What was the crazy woman talking about?Oh, the goblin.

He had to get out of here.Maybe he could distract it.Or trick it into falling into the canyon that was only inches away from the Hummer’s passenger side.He jerked on the door handle.Locked.He slid his hands, slick with sweat, along the leather, fumbling for the control.

With a shove, he opened the door and almost crashed into Vori.

“Perry.”She blinked those enormous violet eyes at him.That’s right.Stare at her eyes and not at her naked…

She draped an arm across her breasts, covering her nipples but not much else.Long dark hair that was so straight and shiny she must’ve spent hours in a salon fell over her shoulders.Her cheeks were rosy, flushed as if she’d tumbled out of bed.That image sent all his thoughts careening off course.What had he been doing?Why was his heart racing?Oh yes, terrifying monster outside.

“Get in here.”Grabbing her wrist, he remembered how delicate she was beneath that tough exterior.She was tall but so graceful and thin.He yanked her inside, almost on top of him and slammed the door shut.

Alone, he could’ve risked his safety in running from the beast.

But not with her.

All her creamy skin might bruise or mark so easily.Didn’t goblins steal away beautiful women in the fairy tales?If he’d learned anything from the few years his father had bothered to stick around, it’d been that stories held some truth.Look at the legends of the old hags that had been rooted in the witch Senate.Or the very existence of the creature he’d seen outside.

He glanced out the window.She’d been out there alone, unarmed.Anything could’ve happened to her.

“You could’ve been hurt.Killed.”A need to protect her rushed over him.He could do for her what everyone had failed to do for his sister, Lili.He wouldn’t lose Vori.“We have to go.Maybe we can outrun it.”And the guards that had been following them.

“It?”She sounded hurt, as if he’d sliced her with his words.

He’d said something wrong, but what?“The goblin?Did you see it?How did you get past it?”

She slid a hand up his chest, pulling him tighter, not pushing him away.

Relief slammed into him.She’d seen it.She’d escaped it.She’d managed to find them after doing whatever it was she’d jumped out of the car to do, and now she was pressed against him.Naked and stunning and perfect.

She curved her lips into a seductive smile.“Iamit.”
