Page 51 of Wicked Crown

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“Kill the intruder,” the silver-marked goblin said.His princess had told him the goblins at court spoke English in different dialects, but that he would understand them.Now, he wished he couldn’t.

“You will not touch him.”Like before in the room at the warehouse, Vori’s voice sounded deeper, rougher, but the cadence and accent was all her.

He focused on her, forcing himself to stand still and not run like his every survival instinct was screaming.If he fled, a predator would chase, and these goblins were all predators.

So he slowed his breathing, concentrating on the similarities in Vori’s two forms that he’d noticed before.Her long dark hair was the same, if a bit rougher.Her ears were longer and pointed.The snarl on her lips was new, but the set of her jaw—she had almost that exact expression whenever she was irritated with him in either skin.The haughty stance was her usual better-than-you-without-trying kind of proud.She cut a quick look at him, those amethyst eyes captivating in both forms.

A massive crown of gold spun across her brow.How could she doubt the goblins holding royal blood and its divine right sacred when she wore its literal proof?

“You know me.”She dared their attackers to argue.

The silver-marked goblin pressed her fist over her heart.“Crown Princess Vori.But you’re dead.”

“Obviously, I’m not.”His goblin’s sarcasm layered over the words thicker than a court brief for a twenty-defendant case.“Now, stand down.”The compulsion to follow her order was so strong that Perry checked the need to do as she said.This wasn’t magic.No, this was the voice of someonebornto rule.

The warriors lowered their weapons.Was this what being fake married to a princess would be like?

He flicked a glance at the portal they’d come through.It was open but darker than it’d been.They would need to stay until the killer came through.

“Highness.”The title seemed to shrivel on the silver-marked leader’s tongue.“The human prize cannot enter Kradnovtl.”

“Prize?”Perry asked.

Vori interrupted.“What’s your name, silver-blooded?”Supermodel snobbish jacked to the millionth power of snootiness put to shame the celebrity clients he’d represented.

“Mykata, captain of the queen’s guard—”

“He’s no human.He’s a witch and my consort, so show some respect,” Vori said, as if he ranked above anyone else here.Anyone but her at least.“Blood of my blood, marked with the royal crest.”

So that’s what she’d drawn on his forehead.Apparently, she wasn’t the only one with a crown.

“We have orders to take any newcomers immediately before the throne.No exceptions.Not even for you, Highness,” Mykata said.The warriors gripped their weapons tighter.“Now.Or we’ll force him back through the glass—consort or no.”

So much for their trap.Unless the killer came through the shrinking portal in the next few seconds, they’d lost their chance.Baba must not have foreseen the armed welcome party.Or the future had changed.Damn prophecies and their ever-shifting loopholes.

Mykata moved toward them, but Vori stepped between him and the captain.

“Don’t touch him,” his goblin princess said to the shorter warrior.“An attack on my consort is an attack on me.”

Mykata stilled.“Anyone newcomer who enters through the glass must be locked in solitary confinement until presented to the king or queen and granted release.”

“You mean the king or hisconsort?”Vori asked.

“My sister Artanya is addressed as queen.”

Vori narrowed her eyes.“Do you expect me, as your princess, to remain locked away?”

“No, only your consort.”

Perry refused.“I won’t do solitary again.”He’d nearly died the last time.No one paid attention to his objection—as if he hadn’t spoken.


Stuck alone in this realm?

Locked away with no rights or way to appeal?

His instinct screamed to argue his case, but what was the use if they wouldn’t listen to him?He couldn’t take on goblin warriors or outrun them to reach the portal.If he could, what would he do in the human realm other than hide from so many enemies?Squat in a bookshop like his father?No, thank you.

Besides, he’d thought he and Vori had a connection or at least a partnership these last few days.It hurt to be abandoned again, but he’d ghostedher, rejectedher.He lost himself in the logical arguments and counterarguments.

Vori’s blunt voice startled him.“I won’t be separated from him.We will stay together until the king can see us.”She glanced his way, hesitation and insecurity shimmering in that purple gaze.“If you’ll have it, husband.”

He hurried to answer before she might change her mind.“Yes, if you’re sure.”About staying.About keeping him close.

She curled her snarl into a ghost of a smile over sharp teeth, lifting her chin so her crown glimmered golden in the moonlight.“Pretty sure.”

Just like that, she was all Vori.
