Page 61 of Wicked Crown

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The king didn’t correct her, didn’t appear to have even heard her.“It’s so good to have you back.Let me look at this witch you’ve stolen from their realm in keeping with our old ways.Has he gotten you with an heir yet?”

Perry didn’t react other than a tic in his jaw.The old laws objectified thoseotherthan goblin, but for the exceptions.Exceptions like consorts.

“I have claimed Perry as my consort, Your Majesty.”Vori laced her voice tight with calm confidence, as though she could tie up the problem with borrowed threads.

“I preferred uncle to the formal titles.We are family, together again.”

She wanted to believe the relief and joy in his words.Maybe this meant they would have an easy homecoming.Her uncle could stop this killer.He could help her find the other amethysts she needed for her blood vows.“Yes, Uncle.”

The king glared at Perry.“May your match be fertile.”Her uncle’s tone mocked the traditional blessing.“Or I’ll step in to make sure Vori has what is best for her, for her people.The realm needs heirs.Now.”

The guards tightened their grips on their weapons.

She didn’t dare look at Perry.At least he’d kept his mouth shut and his powers thrumming through her instead of dancing currents across his skin.They didn’t need him sparking a fight that would end in him dead no matter how much magic he slung.

Artanya put her fist over her heart, the gesture awkward and crooked.“By the blood,weshall regain glory.”Her crown glinted like sharp dagger points.Her queen’s guard echoed the creepy mantra.

Vori’s heart thudded in time with the repetitions.A shiver skittered down her spine.Was this some new royal slogan?

She pressed her dampening palm against Perry’s to anchor herself.The lights embedded in the rock overhead pulsed gold and amethyst as though the castle had split a vein to purge those bloodred uniforms of the queen’s guard.

“It is a sign,” Artanya proclaimed and repeated the “glory” incantation.Vori couldn’t stop imagining a horror movie victim reciting a summons into a mirror.

“Indeed.”The king smiled, a too-tight stretch of skin across skeletal features.“We will feast tomorrow to celebrate your return.How you must’ve struggled to come home for all these years.”

She worked to keep her court mask in place.

Show nothing.

Admit nothing.

The king reached for her hand.“You will be our realm’s future.”

Mottled blotches stained Artanya’s scarred face and neck.She curled her lip into a fierce snarl, seemingly close to slipping skins.She left the room in a sweep of trailing fabric against the stone floor, not waiting for the king as protocol required.Her guard rushed to follow, a stain of red against the gray walls and glittering gold.

Vori waited, seconds plodding by in what felt like hours until the king spoke again.“It is good for you to be back where you belong.”He left from the room with his guards.The space seemed so much bigger after all the uniforms were gone.

“You okay?”Perry asked.

“No.”Understatement.She clung to him.That’s hownot okayshe was.She let the cold stone beneath her feet and the pulsing lights in the walls calm her racing thoughts.“Artanya hates me.”

“Not your fault.Not your problem.For what it’s worth, I don’t think she likes many people.Maybe her sister, Mykata.But did you see how the captain seems to mirror the queen’s emotions?I mimicked Lili growing up.”He cut off the last as though he hadn’t meant to share and wasn’t inviting questions about his murdered sister.

“Or Mykata’s deference could be self-preservation instinct against a power-crazed monarch.I did whatever my father demanded.”Like a puppet on a threadbare string.“Talk about crazy family histories.”

“We’ll be gone in a few days.We can worry about therapy then.”

As if she could tell anyone else her goblin princess problems.“What about this feast my uncle wants?We passed the empty storage areas where all winter crops should’ve been.The fields, the greenhouses, the animals, the food.It’s all gone.They can’t afford some big celebration.”

“Power requires pomp.He wants to show you off.My guess is your return will help validate his rule with or without a dying realm.Or maybe he plans to put you on the throne.”

“I’m.Not.Their.Queen.I know you’re a revolutionary with the whole demon-led fight against witch politics, but we’re not here for that.Catch the killer.Get the amethysts.”

“I’ll try to keep my ideals to myself.Among other things.”He swept a hand toward the only bed.“Although how many babies we can make with our imaginary sex life seems to be fair game for royal discussion.”

The reality sank in.One bed.Two of them.“This is a business arrangement.”Or so she’d keep telling herself.“We’ve done the sleep-together thing before.No big deal.”Whether she was reassuring him or herself, she didn’t know.

“Of course.”His swagger was back as he checked the locks twice and wedged a chair under the knobs.As if that would stop a goblin guard.“I’ve already met the king with your blood still smeared across my face.”
