Page 9 of Wicked Crown

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The earlier humiliation turned to shame.By “not good,” she’d meant he looked like the powers-damned beast to her beauty.He nodded.

“I’ll try to find the key codes.”She sprinted down the hall, heels splashing yet landing a solid clack with each step.

There was no way she could crack those codes.He would be caged in the witch Senate’s house of horrors until they killed him or his powers devoured him from within.

Another boom detonated, closer this time.The explosion shook the building, and he fell against the wall, the rough concrete scraping his skin.With a bang, the fluorescent strips in the hallway crashed to the floor and shattered.The ringing in his head shrieked louder than the thudding of his heart.

He called on his powers.If the shock didn’t kill him, he might fry the electrical system controlling the doors.Magic rippled over his fingers, arcing in white sparks.He braced, ready to do more, but the world tilted sideways.

Rapid-fire clangs blasted him away from the door as it smacked against the wall.

The cell was open.

“You’re welcome.”Vori’s yell came from far away.

His thoughts slammed together like a freeway pileup.He shook his head, unable to decipher what was reality and what was drug-induced by the steady stream the doctors had pumped into him this morning.

Run now.

Figure it out later.

He skidded on wet concrete and broken glass, cursing his bad leg.His stomach flipped like a drunk gymnast, but he kept going.There was no sign of Vori.

It served him right for leaving her on the night they’d met.He’d meant to come back.But he’d ended up recruited to the demon-led Revelare within hours.

Smoke curled against the ceiling in the few glimpses of light that sliced between cells and concrete blocks.He limped toward the nearest exit, the rough wall scraping against his shoulder as he moved away from the thudding boots of what sounded like dozens of guards.

Vori shouted a name from somewhere close by.Alys.

He knew of only one Alys in the prison.A demon hybrid capable of creating unrelenting pain with a mere thought.No way was he heading in her direction.

Flashlight beams cut through the darkness, a web he didn’t want to be caught in.

“He’s here.”That loud voice had to be Meany.

Perry half stumbled, half ran through long halls, not stopping for the shouts, including one that sounded suspiciously like his father.The one who’d been exiled by the witch Senate.The one who’d abandoned him at only seven years old.The one who’d found him here only a week or two ago.

The hallucinogens in the prison’s force-fed drug cocktail had been ten times any legal dose.Of course he would wish for a supermodel fantasy woman and the father who had left him.

“Stop, Perry.”Eeny.Or was it Miny?“Freeze!”

Not happening.His heart thundered, his vision blurred, and his breathing turned ragged.His power surged, flaring beneath his skin.

No, no, no.Not now.

The magic burning through him had become more and more uncontrollable the past few weeks.White streaks fired from his hands.

A sharp stinging rocketed through him, the voltage of a stun gun firing up and down his spine in an agonizing burst of ongoing hurt.His powers latched onto this new electrical source, leeching it for every crackle.The massive energy spike locked onto his body, paralyzing the few muscles that the stun gun hadn’t.

His knees buckled, and his face slammed into the concrete.The world went dark.Snatches of sensations blinded him in quick nightmarish flashes.

Being dragged over wet concrete.

The needle shoved in his arm before the push and burn of more drugs.

Then nothing.

He woke in an unfamiliar cell.A silent one.None of the prison’s constant sounds of horns and sirens.No guards yelling or inmates banging on the cells.
