Page 60 of Fall From Grace

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I pour a new glass of champagne and drink the whole thing down. “You can’t tell anyone.”

“I won’t.”

“I’m serious, Faye. I like you a lot. You can’t tell Hunter. You can’t tell Anna.”

She smiles at me. “Anna was the one who spilled the beans. I would do no such thing. I am a true Southern woman.”

“You just ruined it with that comment,” I joke.

She laughs and pours herself more champagne. “I mean it, Grace. I won’t tell anyone. I think you’re good for Carson. He needs someone who will keep him on his toes. Not act like a pretty, pretty princess.”

“I’m taking it you didn’t like Tiffany either.”

“No one did, honey. But you, on the other hand. Everyone will love you.”

“Let’s not get carried away by talking about his family loving me. Baby steps.”

She stands up and takes my champagne out of my hand. “You’re right. Baby steps. And step one is finding you a dress that will make his jaw hit the floor.”

* * *

I run my hands down my dress. Faye has impeccable taste. She made me get a beautiful mustard-colored silk floor-length trumpet gown. The simplicity of the bottom that hugs my hips and curves makes up for the dramatic top. Appliqué flowers are strategically placed over my chest and stomach. The vee in the front is deep to accentuate my girls but not too deep to be tasteless. And it has long sleeves, although half-sheer, with more floral appliqué, perfect for this fall weather and to bring a bit more modesty. I keep my makeup simple and my hair pulled back in a chignon with a few beach wave face-framing pieces.

I grab my clutch and head up the basement stairs of my brother’s house to the chaos upstairs.

“Grace,” Chelsi gasps as I emerge through the door. “You look stunning. In fact you look so beautiful you shouldn’t even be up here in this mess.”

“You know I could still babysit and you could go instead.”

“Honey, no,” Chelsi says to me. “I need to pump in about ten minutes. The baby needs to be fed. And I feel like a pile of lard.”

“You don’t look like one,” Owen says as he kisses his wife on the cheek.

“I have puke on me, I haven’t washed my hair in three days and I have about thirty pounds to lose.”

“I love you either way.”

Chelsi pushes him away. “You know how much I hate these stuck-up events. You go and wine and dine like you always do.” She turns to look at me. “Enjoy your time at the gala. My advice… ignore the lawyers, they are all stuck up and rude. Befriend the servers and you will always have a glass of champagne in your hand.”

I laugh. “Thanks, Chels, I will stick by that.”

I watch as Owen kisses his wife, then the baby in her arms.

“You ready to go, sis?”

“I guess.” I shrug.

He gestures for me to lead the way. Once we step outside, he says. “You do look gorgeous by the way. Watch out for the men on the prowl tonight.”

I climb into the front seat of his SUV. “Not going to be a problem, Owen.”

* * *

We arrive at the gala and I am so glad I had Faye help dress me. The women here look like what I used to see in pictures from the events my parents went to in New York. I never thought the same type of luxury and elitism would be in Asheville but I was wrong. Everyone is dressed to the nines and I feel out of place.

This isn’t me. Of course it’s not my brother either. But since their law firm is a host, they are expected to attend. Even at the obnoxious cost of a plate.

“You look nervous?” Owen says to me.
