Page 31 of His Pet

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It got you to stop.

“Then let me wear the bodice.”

He raises an eyebrow, his lips in a tight line.

I take a breath and go on. “You don’t want to force me to touch you. If you did, you already would have… And you would’ve done it to someone else by now.”

He rears back like he’s insulted. “I’ve neverneededto.”

“I don’t mean that you couldn’t… I’m not saying you’re not a ladies' man or whatever.” Although I have my doubts. Not because of the scars. Plenty of women would find the whole bad boy thing he has going on hot as hell. But he’s too… I don’t know, weird, to be a charmer. He justlookslike the type of man with a dead body in his trunk. Bad boys are hot. Dangerous men are not.

“I’m saying you don’t seem like the type of person who would be into that.”

He considers this for a minute, and when his eyes dip to take me in, I know I have him.

He pulls his gaze to my face, his eyes still narrowed. “You would rather perform a sexual act for me than be naked in front of them.”

It doesn’t sound like a question. More like a puzzled statement. But I nod anyway.

His expression relaxes, morphing his suspicion to curiosity. I can’t help but think of the saying ‘curiosity killed the cat’. Only, in this case, I’m the cat.

His phone rings, and he pulls it from his pocket. He glances at the caller ID before tapping the screen and bringing it to his ear.


Muffled words reach my ears.

“No,” he says, his stare trained on me. “I haven’t got her yet, but she’s in the stairwell running toward me. Give me twenty minutes.”
