Page 44 of Powerfully

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Chapter Thirteen


As soon as the car pulls up at our home, Kris kisses my cheek and heads for the gym, leaving me alone with Todd.

“Are you okay?”

Shaking my head, I stare at my best friend. “We just can’t seem to catch a break, can we? Seems like the moment we said ‘I do,’ our world fell apart.”

“You’re not regretting getting married, are you?”

Laughing mirthlessly, I say, “No. He’s my everything, but I can’t help but feel this is all somehow my fault.”

“Don’t be crazy.” Todd rolls his eyes and sticks out his tongue. “I’m going to go find Shannon, and she and I will cook you both a feast.”

“I’m not sure Kris will want that.”

“Nonsense! He looks like an emotional eater to me. Just look at all the flab on his body. Definitely a man who likes to eat when he’s under stress.” Todd makes his stomach protrude as he rubs it, trying to look overweight.

Both he and Kris don’t have an ounce of fat on them. They both work out daily and watch what they eat. Kris is especially strict when he’s making a movie.

Giggling at Todd’s poor attempt to lighten the situation, I nod. “Okay, honey, you and Shannon make us a feast. I’ll set the table.”

“What? You’re not going to help us cook?”

“No. I’ve seen you and Shannon in the kitchen. Neither of you wants or needs help. Besides, it’ll be interesting to see if you two can work together and create something edible.”

With one hand pressed to his forehead, Todd throws his head back. “Ye of little faith!”

Laughing hard at his antics, I slap his stomach, and he makes a loud gasping noise as though I’ve mortally wounded him.

“Go! Get! Go find Shannon while I unpack and change.”

Todd winks at me. “Dress up. I think your man could do with a little…” He waggles his eyebrows up and down and pretends to flip long hair over his shoulder.

“You’re impossible.”

Todd kisses my cheek and walks away, chuckling to himself. It’s so good having him and Shannon here. They seem to make our lives a little easier. As I make my way inside, I pull my cell phone out of my bag.

Searching through my contacts, I find Clive and hit enter.

“Well, if it isn’t Mrs. Livingston! How are you, girl?” Clive’s jovial tones go straight to my heart.

“Hey, big man, I’m good. How are you?”

“Aww, you know. Hanging with the family, picking up jobs here and there. What about you?”

I walk into our bedroom and sit on the end of the bed. “We’re not good. Clive, we need you. Do you think you could come back to us for a while?”

“Sure, sure, but I need to finish up a couple of jobs before I can. How does a week sound?”

“Sounds like a relief.” Sighing, I slip off my shoes.

“You want to tell me what’s going on?”

Instinctively, I chew on my bottom lip. “Not over the phone. Next week is good.”

“You know I’m free right now. I could come over?”
