Page 26 of Win My Heart

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“Wade. Bro. I was beginning to think you ghosted us.” He’s smashed. He’s got a shit-eating grin on his face, and I can’t help but smile at the thought of the hangover he’s going to have tomorrow.

“Nope. I’m here. Had shit to do.” There are several big bowls of snacks scattered on the bar, and I snag a handful of pretzels.

“Well, now the party can officially start!” He raises his red plastic cup into the air.

All the other guys have red cups, too. “Is there any beer left?”

Simon nods. He’s clearly pretty gone himself. “Yessiree”

“It’s pretty bumping in here. How are you planning to keep this party going for much longer without management coming up here?” I ask, snagging a handful of M&Ms this time. I’m not necessarily hungry, but if the snacks are there… then I’m gonna eat ’em.

Link waves his free hand around. “Don’t you worry, my friend. I’ve charmed the staff on call tonight.”

I shake my head. “Does Ruby know this?”

Simon and Ben start laughing. Then Matt chimes in, “He means Ruby did the charming. The manager on call is a dude. It was a team effort.”

I sigh. Sometimes I wonder when these guys are going to grow up. But then, I’m not sure that would suit them.

Simon controls his laugh and tells me, with a lot less slurring than Link did, “All the rooms around us are blocked by the lovely people here in the room. So we’re good.”

“Fair enough. I’m going to go get a beer.” I grab a cup off the stack near the snacks and head back to the bathroom, wondering where Bernadette and the girls are. I hear them before I see them. I slow down before heading into the bathroom, where I see a keg sitting in the tub.

“Wait just one stinking minute. I want to back up for a second. Benny, how can this be true?” Both Gia and Ruby make noise, but the voice the question came from doesn’t sound familiar.

Unsure of who Benny is, I start to look into the room when I hear a voice I do know. “Ugh, you guys. Why is it so hard to understand?” Despite having a hint of stress in her tone, Bernadette’s voice is high-pitched, and she sounds happy. She’s probably just as drunk as the guys out front.

“You’re twenty-five years old and have never had an orgasm?” The unknown voice responds. I nearly choke on my tongue at her words.

She’s never had an orgasm? What? How?

“I mean, I was shocked to find out Bern didn’t flick the bean on the regular.” This is from Ruby.

“Click the mouse,” Gia adds.

“Butter your muffin,” the unknown voice says.

“Diddle Miss Daisy.” Ruby laughs.

“Oh my fucking gosh, you guys. That’s enough.” Bernadette tries to sound menacing, but she fails. Desire rolls through my body the sweetness of the giggle she’s enjoying. “You guys are the worst.”

I risk a peek into the room and see the four of them on the big king-size bed. The voice I didn’t recognize belongs to Ben’s girlfriend, Kelly. I only just met her today.

A pang of guilt flushes through me at overhearing their conversation but fuck me. Now that I know she’s never had an orgasm, I’m thoroughly bothered. I move into the bathroom and fill my cup and then decide to pop my head into the room to make it known I’m here.

Interacting with Bernadette tonight just got a whole lot more exciting.

More giggles come from the room as I hit my knuckles to the open door. “Hey. There you guys are,” I say. All four of them are gorgeous, but my eyes land on the brown-haired beauty near the head of the bed, a pillow crushed tightly to her chest. She’s pulled her hair out of its fancy up-do, and it lies in waves over her shoulders—bare shoulders. She’s wearing a pink tank top now, and not her sexy as fuck dress.

“Wade! I didn’t think you were coming!” she nearly shouts.

“Maybe he will later,” Ruby mutters, and I ignore it. I know she’s up to something. She was all too sly last night and a few times today when it came to Bernadette and I being around each other.

Leaning into the doorjamb, I tell her, “Billie and I dropped off gifts back at Morgan and Dex’s, but I’m here now.”

“Oh, Billie isn’t with you?” Ruby chirps.

“Nope.” I pop the word on my lip.
