Page 60 of Win My Heart

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“Sorry, Bernadette. That wasn’t my intention.”

I want to melt at his words, but I remain strong. I just nod and continue on my way, effectively severing our connection. Wade doesn’t wait a beat before his stride matches mine.

“I’m glad you decided to join us for camping,” he tells me.

I let out a snort. “I’m not. I don’t camp. And I don’t like having to rely on others for supplies.”

“Yeah, well, Morgan, Ruby, and Gia don’t have their own camping gear. They rely on their boyfriends, so…” He doesn’t finish the sentence. I stop walking and turn to him.

Is he kidding me right now?

“I don’t have a boyfriend to look out for me like they do.” I’m glaring. I don’t like glaring. It gives you wrinkles.

“I was looking out for you, though. I really did bring you a sleeping bag and some other gear.”

I don’t miss the fact that he doesn’t touch the boyfriend dig. “Did you even know I was going to be here? You didn’t text me. How would you know I would need a sleeping bag?” I stomp off.

“Link texted me and said you didn’t have gear and asked for me to grab the extra sleeping bag from the closet in the apartment.”

I narrow my eyes but don’t stop walking. “That doesn’t make any sense. He asked Ruby to pack it. And plus, he was driving, so how did he text? I was in the car.”

Wade chuckles from beside me. “I’m gonna guess Ruby knew exactly where the sleeping bag was and the text was from her.”

“Sneaky bitch,” I mutter under my breath. Wade huffs out a laugh.

He reaches out and stops me by placing his hand on my arm. “Hey. Talk to me. Why are you so mad?”

I look off into the distance before finding his eyes. He’s waiting intently for my answer, so on a sigh I tell him

“You acted like you were mad to see me.” I don’t know why, but I feel hot prickles of tears.

He studies me, his eyes jumping between my own as his face falls. “Benny,” he breathes. “I’m not mad to see you at all. This trip was last minute, and I wasn’t prepared to have to share you with the group, and at the same time, figure out how to act around you and the guys.” His hands reach out, resting on my shoulders. “Then seeing fucking Matt here and having him suggest you sleep with him… I’m sorry for making you feel like I was mad.”

I sniff. Because the stress of it all is starting to overwhelm me.

“Bernadette, please don’t cry.” His voice is soft and full of concern.

I didn’t realize the tears were so close to spilling over until one slides down my cheek. “I just really hate camping.”

I swat another tear away, and he chuckles low, then pulls me into him.

A clean, soapy male scent fills my nostrils as I breathe him in. I bring my arms around his waist as he hugs me tight.

“You’re gonna have to tell me why you hate camping so much. But it will be fun, I promise. I’m looking forward to sleeping with you again. I think about the last time we shared a bed every single day.”

I snort laugh, which causes there to be a slight snot issue. I reach up and wipe my nose. Once I’m satisfied I don’t have snot on my face, I lean back.

“I got lost. The first and only time I went camping, I got lost in the middle of the night trying to find my way back from the restroom. It was a very scary experience for me.”

He looks at my face, and I see no hint of humor. “I’m sorry that happened to you. But I’m here, and when you need to go, I’ll be right by your side.”

“I appreciate that, but I’m not sure I’m ready to squat somewhere near you. You know what I mean?” I sniff back some residual tears.

He laughs. “How about this—before we all turn in for the night, we’ll walk here so you can use the restroom. Then if you have to go in the middle of the night, I’ll walk just far enough away that I don’t hear you.”

“You’re a kind soul, Wade.” I smile at him.

“Meh. We’ve all got our flaws. I’m sure I’m not well liked by all.” Then he leans down and kisses my cheek before letting me go.
