Page 63 of Win My Heart

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I hearnature before my mind registers that I’m awake. The birds are chirping, and my eyes aren’t even open, but I can tell light is streaming in. At one point in the middle of the night, Wade unzipped the window at the top of the tent to let in some air. The sun shines low in the sky, and the warmth of it caresses my face.

Wade is still next to me, his arm resting over my hip. His fingertips brush the skin on my stomach. Waking up next to him is by far one of my favorite new things, and I hope we get to do this more often.

I don’t know what to expect from him this morning, but right now, we’re still in our little bubble of bliss, and I’m going to soak up as much of it as I can. We’re spooning, but I want to be closer to him, so I shift and turn into him and snuggle myself into his body. He’s still shirtless, and I’m in my pj’s, sans undies and bra.

Smashing my nose into the crook of his neck, I inhale a long, satisfying breath.

Gosh, he smells good.

His arm tightens around me as he stirs. I still haven’t opened my eyes, so I’m confident if given the chance, I could fall back asleep.

Just as I feel myself falling back into a blissful slumber, I hear a “Cock-a-doodle-do, motherfuckers” yelled way too loudly from outside our tent. I’m not exactly sure which asshole team member it was until I hear, “Shut the fuck up, Link” from Simon.

I adjust my head and lean back, seeing Wade squinting through the sunlight.

“Dang, it’s bright.” His voice is deep and hoarse with sleep.

“I know, but I think I could still go back to sleep.” I sigh, still in his arms.

He pulls me closer to him, and his lips brush my ear. “Good morning, Benny.”

“Hmm. Morning.” He doesn’t let me go, and I don’t move. We get another ten minutes of cuddling before the rest of our camp is waking up, and hearing them talk and shuffle around the campsite has us breaking apart and slowly getting dressed.

I’m not sure what it’s going to be like once we step out of this tent, but I already feel the distance creeping in between us. He smoothly dresses on one side with me on the other, stumbling through trying to get dressed without getting naked or being loud. Because I’m suddenly feeling hella vulnerable right now in this tiny tent.

Wade looks over at me after tugging on his T-shirt. “I’m gonna head out. You good?”

“Yeah, sure. I’ll be out in a minute,” I say in a hushed tone.

Truthfully, I could use a minute to myself before facing the crew—facing Wade as part of the crew.

Once I’m dressed, hair pulled back in a bun, glasses on, and a hoodie in my hands, I shove all my stuff back into my backpack. Sucking in a deep breath before unzipping the tent, I join the real world.

Looking around I see Morgan and Gia sitting in the chairs, wrapped in blankets. Dex stokes the fire we need for breakfast. Ruby isn’t around, but Link and Simon are near their tents. I don’t see Wade, and I turn to zip up the tent behind me. I take a moment and pull on my sweatshirt.

I fix my wonky glasses while Matt rolls up his sleeping bag in front of the tent next to ours. He’s giving me side-eye.

Oh, god. Did he hear us last night?

“Morning, Matt,” I say sweetly.

His eyes narrow. “Sleep well last night, Bernie?”

Oof.I’m gonna go with a yes on that.

I swallow hard and decide to just pretend I didn’t hear him. Instead, I join the girls and plop down on a chair.

“How was your night?” Gia asks me, wiggling her eyebrows.

My cheeks turn red in an instant. Did they hear too?

Morgan’s mouth drops in shock, and Gia’s eyes go wide.

Morgan, who’s sitting on the other side of Gia, leans in and whisper yells, “O.M.G. Did something happen last night?”
