Page 68 of Win My Heart

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I let out a breath because his cocky smirk tells me he enjoyed it too.

“How are you feeling about it?”

“I’m feeling good.” A smile ghosts my lips, I’m not that girl who talks about sex at dinner, but also, I want him to know I’m all for a repeat performance. “I think I’d like to do it again, but in a bed and away from others.”

“I was hoping you’d say that, because I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you and all the things I want to do to you.”

“Shhh. We don’t have to broadcast it.” I laugh, looking around and seeing the server coming our way with our drinks.

She drops off our drinks and then takes our food order.

“Sex in the tent was great,” he says, “but I think not having to hold back will make things fucking fantastic.”

“Matt heard us by the way, so we weren’t all that quiet.” I take a drink of my Diet Coke.

His grin deepens. “Good. He can lay off the flirting.”

Guys are so possessive. “He flirts to make you jealous.”

He narrows his eyes. “He likes you.”

“Yeah, but he knows he doesn’t have a chance. He’s smarter than you give him credit for.” Matt knows the score, but I’m not about to tell Wade that.

“He’s young and has a lot of growing up to do. I’m not sorry he heard us. I am sorry if that embarrass you, though.” He frowns, but I reach out and grab his hand.

The action takes me by surprise, but I don’t retreat. His fingers interlock with mine as he accepts the touch. “I’m a little embarrassed, but it is what it is. Don’t worry about it. Let me just be clear, sex in public places isn’t my thing. So don’t get any ideas.”

He chuckles. “It’s not my thing either.”

We hold hands and talk about the camping trip, and he tells me about how growing up, his family camped a lot.

Once our food comes, we shift our conversation to work—his next project and how the team has a string of tournaments and events coming up.

This date is going extremely well, so I do what all normal, sane girls do when things seem calm. I push just a little too far.

“So Morgan and Gia were talking this morning about going to the new fondue restaurant in a few weeks. Would you want to go with me?” I hold my breath.

He nods as he finishes chewing his food, then he surprises me when he says, “Yeah, it sounds fun.”

I blink and let out my breath, shocked at how quickly he agreed. It causes a flutter of warmth in my chest. “Okay, awesome. I’ll let them know to count us in their reservation.”

For the rest of dinner, all I can do is grin. Seems as if things are finally progressing between the two of us.
