Page 9 of Win My Heart

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Someone pulls the pillow away, and Morgan looks back at me. “Talk to us, lady.”

I give them a somber nod. “Wade had just gotten out of the shower, and we ran into each other. I didn’t see him as I was walking down the hall. He got me all wet—not my lady garden, my body. You know, because he was still covered in water. Clearly, he didn’t dry off properly.”

All of them snicker and nod in understanding.

Ruby’s eyes sparkle. “I love hearing you say the words lady garden, and you’ve referred to you and Wade being wet, like, seven times at least.”

“To be clear, I think it’s a guy thing. They don’t actually use the towel as it’s intended,” Gia offers.

“Tell me his half-naked body didn’t make you a bit wet, though. I mean, that man is fine.” Ruby waves her hand to cool herself off.

Morgan looks over her shoulder. “Ruby, what would Link think?”

She laughs. “He would agree because Wade is a good-looking man.”

“Fair,” Gia adds.

I interrupt their discussion on Wade’s attractiveness. “Can someone tell me why he was showering in Link and Simon’s apartment?”

“Oh yeah, he moved in with them,” Ruby says with excitement.

Shut the front door. What?

“When? Why? And why didn’t I know about this? Did you all know?”

They all nod. I groan again.

Ruby walks into the kitchen to get a bottle of water. “He just moved in yesterday. I’m surprised you didn’t notice yesterday when you were showing Link your speaker.”

I sit up and nearly shout, “He was in the apartment?”

“Nooo,” she says through a laugh. “He was there earlier, but he’d left to get the last of his things.”

“No one said anything,” I mutter. I’m shocked. I hate not knowing things that are going on with my people. Wade moving in is a big deal, and it kinda irks me that no one mentioned it.

Ruby pipes up, a mind reader apparently. “You were there yesterday. There were boxes and totes sitting in the living room. I would have absolutely made you aware if I thought you didn’t know.”

Ugh.She’s right, though. Sometimes I have a one-track mind and don’t always pay attention to my surroundings.

“Why did he move in?” I ask. Clearly, they have all the tea.

“Uh, something about his old building selling,” Morgan tells me. “They bought all the tenants out of their leases. Pretty much kicked them out.”

“Is that legal?” I wonder out loud.

“I think they gave him a notice, but he couldn’t find anything,” Morgan adds. “The guys had already offered for him to move in, and he took them up on the offer last minute. It’s not like they had a line of other eligible roommates ready to move in.”

“For one, I’m happy Wade moved in,” Ruby says. “That place was getting nasty. I’m hoping Wade can get those guys to clean better.” Ruby’s nose crinkles as if she’s thinking about the state of that apartment.

“Wait, I have a question,” Gia says. “Why isn’t he at Dex’s party?”

I nod vigorously. That is a good question.

“Oh, he had to teach a rock climbing class, and it was filling in for the owner, so he couldn’t cancel the class. He was heading out to join the guys after,” Morgan informs us.

A collective “Ah” echoes through the room. Moments pass in silence. I worry my bottom lip as I think about what all of this means. Wade is going to be just down the hall from the game room all the time. Obviously, that means I’m going to see him more. And oh my god, that chest. I’ve seen him in swim trunks before, but my god, not that up close. I touched his hard, wet abs.

“Shit,” I mutter to myself.
