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The wedding of a duke was a spectacular affair even if it was the wedding of the Duke of Granby. The bride, one of the Beautiful Barringtons, lived up to the moniker, for there had never been a more stunning young lady. Her dress alone was nothing short of spectacular, created by the most exclusive modiste in London, Madame Dupree.

Though everyone speculated the dress had been designed by the bride herself.

The Barringtons were there in full force, excepting their bastard, Leo Murphy, who was away on business. There were some who wished he’d never return to London, but that would leave Elysium to be run completely by the Duke of Averell.

It would be far better for Murphy to resume his proprietorship of the establishment.

Lady Andromeda seemed a curious choice for a duke known for his aloof manner and dislike of scandal and eccentricity—two things the Barringtons possessed an abundance of. The previous Duke of Granby would never have approved his son’s choice. But the duke’s large form hovered protectively over his new duchess as they exited the church, pausing only to bring her fingers to his lips, smiling as he did so.

A love match, the gossips speculated. Another Barrington eccentricity.

The duke and his duchess waved as their carriage struggled through the packed streets filled with well-wishers and those wanting to catch a glimpse of the new Duchess of Granby in her wedding finery.

Invited guests spilled from the church. The remainder of the Barringtons and their ward Olivia Nelson, granddaughter of the Earl of Daring. The Marquess of Haven, probably wearing a borrowed coat, for everyone in London knew he was as impoverished as they come. The Earl of Blythe. Mr. Harrison Estwood, a financier. Miss Lucy Waterstone, walking arm in arm with Miss Rosalind Richardson.

Then three women left the church which caused several gasps from the crowd of onlookers.

Lady Molsin and the Dowager Duchess of Averell were both well known to society, but it was the third woman, holding her chin up as she descended the steps, who drew everyone’s eyes. It had been years since anyone had caught sight of her, and the former Duchess of Granby’s appearance in London was nothing short of shocking. Most had assumed her dead. Whispers hovered in the air as her gaze passed over the crowd with determination, daring anyone to challenge her presence at the duke’s wedding.

None did.

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