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Theo sat in the carriage, impatiently waiting for her brother as the future,her future, was decided. Cousin Winnie, silver hair forming a wreath around her head, lips trembling in shock, led Theo from Blythe’s home to the carriage with nary a word.

Theo declined Cousin Winnie’s offer to see her home, choosing instead to wait in her brother’s carriage. There was no point in arriving at the Averell mansion, anxious and worried, only to sit on the edge of the sofa in the drawing room and wait for Tony to come home. Best to meet her fate head-on.

Giving a tired nod, one that told of her utter failure as a chaperone, Cousin Winnie merely pressed a kiss to her cheek.

Rosalind had grabbed Theo’s hand before joining her mother. “I thought you promised not to do anything impulsive.”

Theo could do nothing more than shrug and bid her cousin goodnight. There was little she could say. The entire evening had been a testament to reckless, impulsive behavior.

She pressed herself into the luxurious interior of her brother’s carriage, trying and failing to remain calm. The accusations, hurled at her by Lady Blythe, had been incredibly hurtful. Everyone, including Blythe, assumed Theo had been in his study tonight with the sole purpose of trapping him in marriage. She’d be a laughingstock if word got out.

Only Haven, of all people, knew the truth, and she prayed he kept it to himself.

Her fingers curled into her skirts. Had he only given her back the miniature instead of taunting her, Theo would not have been forced to...attackhim. This entire unfortunate incident would not have occurred, and she might even now be returning home with nothing more than a bruised ego from Blythe’s refusal of her gift.

A sensation stung her fingertips. The feel of Haven’s muscled chest beneath her hands.


His eyes, as he’d lowered his mouth to hers, had darkened to nearly black, the depths swirling with something hungry and wicked. A promise which twisted between her thighs, conjuring up all manner of erotic thoughts.

Even now, those thoughts still lingered, making her pulse quicken. Theo blinked, willing them away.

The sound of footsteps outside the carriage heralded the approach of her brother, the Duke of Averell.

Tony climbed in with a grunt, displeasure coating his handsome face as he caught sight of her.

“You should have allowed Winnie to see you home.”

“I wanted to wait for you.”

He settled next to Theo as the vehicle rocked forward. Raking his fingers through his hair, Tony peered across the seat, looking her directly in the eye. “Did Haven coerce you to meet him in the study? Take liberties?”

“What?” Theo’s mouth gaped open in surprise. “No. Of course not.” As much as she didn’t wish to marry Haven, she wasn’t about to accuse him of forcing himself on her.

“Were you having an assignation with him, Theo? Did you make plans to meet him in the study?”

“Absolutely not. I don’t even like him.”

“Do you know how many times I thought about the conversation I’ve just had?” Tony grimaced. “I assumed I’d be having it with Blythe, or maybe some other gentleman you decided to adore next.”

Theo slid her eyes from him. “That’s rather unkind.”

“You used to have a great deal of common sense, Theodosia. It disappeared completely when you met Blythe. Or spotted him in the park.” He waved his hand. “It really doesn’t matter. Romy warned me after seeing the way you tossed yourself at him during Granby’s house party.”

Theo shrank back further into the squabs. “I’m not a dinner roll, Tony.”

“You’ve been compromised, Theodosia.”

“I realize that.” She smoothed down her skirts. “I—”

“Christ, you were hiding in the study, waiting for Blythe,hopingfor ruination. You were trying to compromise yourself with him. Well, it appears you got far more than you bargained for. Romy insisted you were unnaturally obsessed with Blythe. Swore that if I didn’t put a stop to it, you’d do something dreadful.”

Her mouth went dry. “That isn’t exactly—”

Tony pinched the bridge of his nose. “You must have overheard him making plans to meet Haven in the study tonight. Decided to pop out and instead of finding Blythe, you found Haven.”
