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There are times in a young lady’s life when emotion overrides common sense, leading her in a direction where scandal lurks. She convinces herself that reckless behavior will gain a gentleman’s attention. Perhaps impress upon the gentleman the depth of her feelings and force him to realize his own. And in doing so, receives an offer of marriage.

London was riddled with usually level-headed, intelligent young women who found themselves following their hearts instead of their heads. Society wasnotkind to them.

Tonight, Theo anxiously mused, scanning the crowd gathered at the Earl of Blythe’s house to celebrate his birthday, she had allowed her emotions to dictate her actions. Impulsivity had won out over the common sense and manners which had been instilled in Theo since birth. It was as if she’d gone completely mad.

All week long, Theo had looked forward to Blythe’s birthday celebration, choosing her shimmering turquoise silk adorned with rosettes at the shoulders with the utmost care. Cousin Winnie and her daughter Rosalind, who accompanied Theo tonight, had arrived exactly on time for the carriage ride to Blythe’s home. Theo had leaned back against the plush seats of her cousin’s carriage grateful for the pocket in her gown, concealed amid her skirts. The outline of the tiny wooden box was well hidden beneath the silk. She’d become light-headed just imagining his reaction to her daring.

How many times had Blythe declared Theo incomparable? More worldly than most young ladies. Delightfully bold. Gorgeously bordering on impropriety. How often had he implied that he did not care for demure, modest misses, stating he found them bland?Colorless.

She, he’d assured Theo, was different.

Ironically, it had been Romy, who loved to toss out her opinions to everyone whether they wished for them or not, who was to blame for the anxiousness now gripping Theo. It was Romy who had given Theo the idea, all the while berating her for what she considered nitwit behavior over Blythe.

Shouldn’t Blythe admire you for your talent as an artist?Romy had said.More so than the curve of your bosom?

Theo had taken Romy’s advice to heart, her creation for Blythe a perfect combination of both her talentandher bosom. Creating a rough sketch and then painting a miniature while looking at oneself in the mirror had been challenging to say the least. A true test of her talent. The miniature was no more improper or less tasteful, Theo told herself, than, say, a painting by Rembrandt or Titian. Blythe was sure to be intrigued. Impressed. Totally captivated.

Her roiling stomach disagreed. Even her heart was no longer whispering what a grand idea it was to give the miniature to Blythe.

Glancing around the confines of Blythe’s drawing room, Theo lifted her glass of punch to her lips but declined to take a sip. Overly sweet and cloying. Much like her hostess tonight, Lady Blythe. A woman for who the term ‘overbearing’ had been coined.

I did not think this through properly.

Swallowing down the dread which seemed determined to force itself up her throat, Theo slid closer to the wall, careful not to knock her head against a gilt-framed painting of ripened pears in a wooden bowl.

Trite. Boring.Exactly the sort of thing Lady Blythe appreciated.

Lady Meredith wandered past Theo, the skirts of her lavender striped silk fluttering about her ankles in a fetching manner so that a gentleman might catch a glimpse of her embroidered stockings. She paused with a smug look, waving at Theo with gloved fingers before gliding across the drawing room to flirt with the Earl of Blythe.

Blythe, oblivious to the gift Theo had painted him as well as her panic, stood amid a small group of guests, a half-filled wine glass dangling from one hand. Golden and beautiful in a way few men were, Blythe laughed at something Miss Cummings relayed to him before leaning to whisper his thoughts in her ear.

Miss Cummings twittered before lightly swatting Blythe with her fan.

The familiarity of the scene caused the glass of horrid punch to wobble in Theo’s fingers. How often had Theo played the part of Miss Cummings while Blythe whispered something outrageous inherear?

Upon her arrival tonight, while the sheer intoxication of bestowing her art upon Blythe still filled her mind, Theo had decided the best way for him to receive her gift would be in private, and with Lady Blythe in the room, it wasn’t as if Theo could take him aside for a word. Instead, she had left it for Blythe in a spot where only he would venture. His study. She’d snuck away from Cousin Winnie and Rosalind, made her way to Blythe’s study, and carefully placed the tiny box right on the chair before his desk.

It seemed like such a wonderful idea at the time.

The cup of punch in her hand trembled even further, spilling just a bit on her gloves as Theo watched Lady Meredith nearly push Miss Cummings aside to flirt with Blythe. And he, damn his glorious self, flirted right back.

Blythe was meant to see the box either later tonight or tomorrow. He would immediately be awed, compelling him to rush directly to Theo’s side and offer for her in the most romantic way possible.

It all sounds rather foolish now.

Upon her entrance into the drawing room after leaving the miniature, Blythe had caught Theo’s eye and come forward to take her hand. Several flirtatious comments had fallen from his lips. His gaze had lingered over her bosom.

The sheer excitement of her surprise had made a giggle burst from her lips. Nothing but raw anticipation had led Theo to mention she’d created something especially for him in honor of his birthday. His reply had snuffed out every bit of her enthusiasm.

‘As a gentleman, I fear I am unable to accept such a token, as you surely must know.’

The air around them had become distinctly uncomfortable once he’d uttered his very polite refusal. Blythe, rather awkwardly, had looked away.

Theo had stared at the spectacular line of his jaw, her smile freezing on her lips. His response had not been that of a gentleman who returned the affection of the young lady before him. Or who even wished to encourage it. Instead, Blythe had firmly, properly, dismissed her. And as if to ensure his point had been made, he excused himself rather quickly and sauntered off to flirt with two young ladies who had just arrived.

Not once had he looked back.
