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“I’m familiar, Jacinda.”

“He was speaking French,” Theo said. All the energy rushing through her earlier in her anxiousness to get to Haven had faded and was quickly being replaced with exhaustion. “I take it your father did not speak French. Nor was he, I suspect, overly fond of brandy.”

“No. And there were times,” Jacinda said, “when I was certain father was upstairs, but I’d see him walking out to that tree.” She shook her head. “Erasmus was here on and off and I never knew it. Not then, anyway.”

A knock sounded at the door, and Rolfe’s broad shoulders appeared. “My lord, the constable has arrived.”

Haven nodded and went to his sister. “Go up, Jacinda. We’ll talk more in the morning.”

She set down her cup, hobbling over to Theo and taking her hand. “Thank you for rescuing my brother.”

“I didn’t need rescuing,” Haven replied. “I had the situation in hand. All she did was toss a brandy bottle. Poorly. She was just as likely to hit me.”

Theo didn’t mind his snarling. She’d felt the way his fingers had gripped hers, as if he were afraid she wasn’t real and would disappear. He was probably still worried she’d leave, which partially accounted for his mood.

Jacinda pressed a kiss to Theo’s cheek. “I’m glad you’re home, Theo.” She limped toward the door, her cane thumping along the floor. Pausing, she cast a narrow-eyed glance at her brother before drifting out into the hall.

“My lord.” Rolfe was still standing patiently. “The constable.”

“I’ll be along in a moment, Rolfe.” Haven waved his hand at the butler. “A moment.”

When she and Haven were alone again, he took her hand in his, rubbing his thumb along her fingers. “Don’t leave.” The intensity of his gaze on her deepened until the moss of his eyes was nearly black. He turned her hand over, pressing a kiss to her wrist. “Please.”

“I won’t, Ambrose. I promise.” Theo had no intention of leaving.

“I am profoundly happy you are here, Theo.” He pressed her fingers to his heart. “Wait for me. I’ll be up in a bit.” He dropped her fingers and walked to the door. “And don’t even think about putting up Theodosia’s Line of Demarcation.”
