Page 21 of The Gamble

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Chapter Five

Beauhadstartedplayingcraps and Alessandra had stepped away for a moment. She told him she wanted to check on Sailor and the Gartners, who were playing blackjack at another table. In truth, she needed some time to collect her thoughts.

Sex in the green room had been hot. Since twenty years ago with Beau, Alessandra had rarely been that sexually free, that excited, her orgasm that intense. The encounter had brought back all the feelings she’d had for Beau in the past, including those emotions not related to sex.

His jealous comments about River both amused and pissed her off. What right did he have to be jealous at all? Then at the concert, he’d been affectionate and treated her like a girlfriend. She’d liked it. But what would this lead to?Nothing.

Alessandra walked toward Sailor, but she didn’t see the Gartners. “How is it going with Jon and Kim?”

“They spent money, so that’s good. What about Beau? How was the concert?”

“It was weird,” Alessandra replied. “Beau seemed to be jealous of River. That pissed me off. He thought I’d been cold to him, yet warm and fuzzy with River. We fought.”

“Shit, boss. We need him!” Sailor looked over toward Beau. “Is he still upset?”

“He’s not. That might be because in the middle of the fight, we started having sex.”

“Oh fuck. What happened? He’s all in your head, isn’t he? Youdowant to rekindle something, don’t you?”

“Hell no. That’s not going to work. Before the sex, when he was mad, I couldn’t tell him the truth. Instead, I told him I’d had a bad day. I couldn’t admit that last night’s sex had been mind-blowing, which was exactly the reason I had to put distance between us. I didn’t want him thinking there could be anything more. He thought my distance was because of River.”

“That’s understandable. River is sexy as hell and a great singer, too. I can understand why Beau would be jealous.”

“I think letting him fuck me in the green room helped with that part,” Alessandra said.

Sailor laughed. “I can only imagine. Now what?”

“I don’t know, exactly.” Alessandra didn’t want Sailor to know Beau had been on her mind all day. “But I do know one thing. There is no possibility of any ‘relationship’ with him. Too much water under the bridge. We’re both too busy. But oh my God… the sex.”

“That’s better than having him pissed off. I know it sounds terrible, but you might as well use it. We need him to like you. We need him to like staying at The Benson enough to gamble away a tiny piece of his bank account.”

“I know. It just makes me feel like an asshole. He was so nice at the concert, so sweet. There’s a part of me that could see us together—as stupid and impossible as that would be.”

“Wait. Listen to yourself. And think about it. He was upset you were distant? Jealous? Maybe the sex means more to him. Did it mean more to you?”

Alessandra admitted to herself that Beau being jealous sparked a little bit of satisfaction. “Nah. There wasn’t any sort of emotional connection, but it was nice to know he seemed to have enjoyed the sex as much as I did at least.”

“What happened after the concert, when he was being nice to you? What did you do?”

“I told him I could have assigned anyone else to be his host, but I chose to do so.”

Sailor narrowed her eyes, skeptically. “Which isn’t exactly true, since I had insisted you host Beau. His business is too important to leave it to another host. It has to be you, even more so if he feels a connection. And it sounds like he does.”

Alessandra had truly wanted to ignore her rekindled attraction to Beau. It would lead to nothing but trouble. Ignoring, however, was not going to be successful.

Thoughts of how he’d touched her last night and today already made her want more. Nevertheless, she protested, “Sailor, he’s not going to spend money just because he wants to have sex with me. And if it were up to me, I would have chosen to host the Gartners instead—no history nor sexual chemistry attached. Speaking of which, how much have they spent? As much as last night?”

“They were gambling after lunch. And they lost a little over $277,000, so we’re making progress. But they had some sort of argument. Kim went to the room, and Jon stayed in the sportsbook for a while, making only small bets. Then he asked for the limo to take him to his bank. I offered to cash a check for him, but he said he preferred to go to his bank instead.”

“That’s weird. Why wouldn’t he just cash a check with us?” It would have been much easier to do it that way. They could easily verify the cash in his account.

“I’m guessing he has a private account Kim doesn’t know about. He lost a lot, so that’s probably what they were fighting about. Though I don’t know why. I mean, he sold a tech company. They could probably gamble away half of what they make in interest in a year and still live in luxury.”

“I’m sure,” Alessandra agreed. “I hate rooting for customers to lose. I know we’re here to make money, but I like the Gartners—and if they lose this week, they’ll probably never come back again. And while I’d rather have long-term customers, this week, we need them to lose.”

“I agree. But at least we can help them have a good time while losing, can’t we? Let’s get back to business. The Gartners said they were going to bed early tonight. Let’s chat tomorrow.”

On her way back to the craps table, Alessandra could see Beau’s chip stack had increased while she’d been chatting with Sailor. She reflected that, despite what she’d told Sailor, her feelings about Beau were conflicted.
