Page 101 of Under the Dark Moon

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Chapter 32

‘I talked to the principalof the kindergarten after I left the hospital. She’s happy to enrol Jennifer for three days a week, starting next Monday.’ A curious mixture of anticipation and dread coursed through Meg as she set Geoffrey’s dinner in front of him then took her seat across from him.

‘I’ll let Matron know in the morning that you’ll be joining us. You can work in a supernumerary role until the next roster comes out.’ He picked up his cutlery and cut into a potato.

That’s it? No discussion tonight? No . . .

‘How was your day?’

He didn’t look up. ‘The same as usual. Busy.’ He focused on his food, chewing with a fierce concentration so unlike his usual self when they were together.

There was nothing usual about today for Meg. Something was definitely off with Geoffrey.

‘I’m excited about going back to work, but I feel guilty about putting Jennifer into kindy. I must say though, I was impressed by the programme they offer.’

‘Matron knows the principal. She holds her in high regard.’

They ate in silence. Geoffrey set his cutlery neatly on his plate and wiped his mouth on his serviette. He pushed his chair back.

Words blurted from Meg’s mouth. ‘Do you think I’ll have missed out on much in the time since I left the RAAF?’

‘Since we were married?’

‘Er, yes. The two events followed hard on one another.’

Geoffrey took his time, realigning his perfectly aligned knife and fork before he answered. ‘There will be a few things new to you. Why don’t you look through the last six- or seven-months’ worth of my medical journals? That should help direct your attention to areas you need to pick up on.’

He’d pushed his plate away. He’d eaten barely half of his meal. ‘I’m going to bed. I’ll probably be gone early in the morning. I have a full day of surgery scheduled. Good night, Margaret.’ He paused beside her chair. A moment later, his footsteps receded behind her back.

He didn’t kiss me goodnight.


There was a distancebetween them that Meg had never expected. Each night he left her to sit alone, or with Gerry when she was home. His excuse was reviewing case notes or catching up on reading about some new surgical technique, and if it wasn’t either of those, he was simply tired, and going to bed early. Days past and they hadn’t made love once. He hadn’t even touched her hand, but she’d felt his gaze on her when he thought she wasn’t looking.

It can’t go on like this. We can’t.

When dinner was finished and Gerry had left to go to a movie with a group of nursing friends, Meg stopped him in the hallway with a hand on his arm. ‘I know it’s late, but can we talk about us?’

‘I was going to do some work.’ He sighed but let her take his hand and lead him to the veranda. They sat in the swing seat, rocking gently in the dark.

Where did she start? A week ago, everything had been simple. They’d talked about anything and everything and enjoyed each other’s company. They’d been happy, for goodness’ sake, so what had changed? She’d gone over and over their conversation in his office that day at the hospital, but nothing she’d said seemed big enough to have caused the gulf between them.

‘You asked me what had changed when I applied to the hospital.’

‘And you said you missed working. I told you that first time we had dinner at the Queen’s Hotel in Townsville that I’d never stop you working, and I haven’t.’

‘That’s true. You’re an amazing man, Geoffrey, and I’m—’

‘Don’t say it.’

‘I was only going to say that I’m grateful for your support.’

Despite the night surrounding them, she saw his head bow. She’d just told him she was grateful, as she had that other day. The day when he closed her out. When everything changed.

‘Would you—prefer me not to go back to work, or just not with you? Is that the problem?’

‘I’ll be grateful for your experience on my team.’
