Page 13 of Under the Dark Moon

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Wanting him to do more.

More than kiss her face and neck. More than give her goosebumps, although they were wonderful too.

She lay back on the blanket and looked up at him. Stroking his cheek, feeling that stubble that always grew back by the end of the day, no matter how close a shave he made in the morning, she knew she wanted all of him.

Her hand slipped around his nape and drew him down until she could kiss his lips and her free hand could reach around his waist and draw him closer. With a hand that trembled only a little, she tugged his shirt from his trousers and trailed her fingers across his back. Smooth. Warm. Bare.

He stretched out beside her and, reaching down, pulled her dress up and bared her thigh. The lightest of touches sent need spiking through her belly. It seemed to concentrate on that private place between her thighs and at last, she knew what desire was. That soaring need poets wrote of, and singers crooned about.

‘Seamus, I want you.’

He rose up on one elbow, pulling back from her unwillingly, she thought, and looked at her in the light of the newly risen moon. His breathing seemed heavy, as though he’d been running, and something hard in his pocket poked at her leg. ‘What are you asking for, Meg?’

‘You. All of you. I—think I love you. I want what people in love share with each other.’

‘Mother of God, how can I refuse anything you ask for. But Meg, are you sure you want this? Do you know what you’re asking for? Because, hard as it will be—hard as I am right now—I’ll wait if you’re not sure.’

‘I don’t know what you mean about being hard,’ although he did sound as though he was in some pain, ‘but I am sure that I want you, in every way a woman wants the man she loves. Show me, macushla?’

Seamus closed his eyes and tipped his face to the sky. ‘I can’t deny you, Meg, because I want you so much it hurts.’ He exhaled, a long, slow breath, and sat up. Reefing his shirt over his head, he dropped it beside him then rolled onto his elbow and stroked her face. ‘I’ll make this good for you, Meg, I promise.’

Slowly, he unbuttoned her shirt and eased it off her shoulders, followed by her skirt. Beneath them, she had worn a borrowed slip and army-issue knickers, both of which he slid off her body with reverent, slow fingers.

‘You’re beautiful. Your skin is like silk and your—’ Words dried up as he cupped her breast.

She pressed into his hand, sure she shouldn’t be enjoying his touch so much. A good girl would be embarrassed about exposing her body to a man who wasn’t her husband. A good girl wouldn’t have asked a man to make love to her, or even gone off with a man to a private spot in the first place.

But she wasn’t a good girl. She was a woman about to lie with the man she loved.


Rushing—headlong into sin.

Seamus lowered his head and gently sucked her breast.

She closed her eyes and concentrated on the feeling. The way desire ran through her body from his mouth to the very core of her.

Hadn’t her mother advised her sister the night before her wedding to lie back and think of England? Meg couldn’t imagine thinking of anything but Seamus’s touch and oh!—the scrape of his stubbled chin on her skin, her soft belly, her thighs. Her hips rose, pressing against his mouth.



Seamus’s breath huffed over her most private place and she felt no embarrassment. Just a deep need to know all and share it with him. ‘That feels so good, but I’m sure there’s more than just this touching and kissing.’

‘There is, my love. So much more. I want to take my time exploring every inch of your body, but I don’t think I can wait much longer to make you mine. Are you ready?’

‘I feel ready. I feel restless and wonderful, and I want to be yours.’

His hand slipped between her thighs. ‘You’re so wet.’

‘Is that good?’


She wished she knew more about the marital act. Even though they weren’t married, that act was what they were about to do. Of course, as a nurse, she knew in theory what happened. But already, she was certain the experience would be something special. Because I love Seamus?

‘This may hurt a bit the first time.’ He positioned himself over her and that hard thing she’d thought was something in his pocket nudged between her legs and dipped into her. His penis. She knew the vocabulary from her studies, but she’d never imagined it would feel so hard and so silky at the same time.
