Page 33 of Under the Dark Moon

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‘Good. Sounds like we have a severe case of appendicitis. I hope they get him here before the appendix ruptures.’


They’d only just gotthe appendix out in time and the atmosphere in the theatre had been tense as Dr Ransom carefully lifted it into a specimen tray. ‘Another hour and the sergeant might not have made it.’ He’d directed her to administer penicillin and keep a check on the patient’s reaction. ‘I’ve been called to HQ for a meeting. Dam—dashed inconvenient.’

‘Yes, Doctor.’

‘I’m glad you came here, Margaret. You’re an excellent head nurse.’ She wasn’t certain what the look he’d given her was about, but his compliment made her feel less tired as she stripped off her surgical gown and tossed it into the laundry hamper then pulled off the cap.

Eva appeared at the door with a clipboard. She was on duty until midnight and Meg needed to eat. Now! It was past three o’clock. She’d had no breakfast and was almost shaking with the need to eat.

‘Sister Smith, I’m going to get a late lunch. I need you to do hourly checks on Sgt Draper. Look out for a rash forming, or nausea, diarrhea, vomiting . . .’

‘Allergic reactions. I get it, Sister.’

‘It’s vital you check regularly, Sister. There can be reactions to penicillin ranging from mild to severe. After saving his life with an appendectomy, we don’t want to lose him to anaphylactoid shock.’

Eva pressed her lips together and wrote on her clipboard. ‘Yes, Sister.’

After Meg finished giving Eva instructions to cover the period while she ate, she hesitated then added, ‘I trust you, Sister. I know you’ll do your best by all your patients.’

Eva blinked, drew in an audible breath and nodded. ‘Thank you, Sister Dorset.’ As she turned to head into the ward, Meg thought she caught the edge of a smile.

Maybe that was what Eva had been missing—what Meg hadn’t given enough of as she felt her way in her new role as head nurse.

Trust and acknowledgement. Everyone needed to be seen, and perhaps Eva hadn’t received much of either.

Feeling lighter in spirit, Meg made her way to the mess hut, hoping to scrounge up a sandwich. And another cup of tea if she were lucky, given how her stomach reacted to the smell of coffee. Her supply of ginger from the River had long since been used up, but Dr Newton had connections and he’d procured some for her since she couldn’t very well ask Dr Ransom without raising suspicion as to why she wanted it.

Food—and another night of dancing. She was looking forward to both.

And soon, her baby would be another exciting event to focus on—once she adjusted to the idea of impending motherhood. So what if she had to fudge the year of her wedding? In the midst of a war, her baby was a promise of new life.
