Page 59 of Under the Dark Moon

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‘It made no difference. She didn’t believe me—no, that’s not quite right. She believed I was just one more deluded and deserted fallen woman who had no right to bring a child into the world and expect more than her offer of adoption by some worthy married couple. As if a single woman is any less capable of caring for her own child than, say, a widow.’

Vera patted Meg’s shoulder. ‘I’ve never liked the look of that place, but it’s the last resort for some women and it does put a roof over heads that would otherwise have none. Still—’ Pushing gently, she set the swing seat gently rocking again and they sat companionably sipping tea and watching the sky darken into hot pink, purple, and finally midnight blue dotted with stars.

‘Margaret—’ Vera’s voice from the darkness beside her had a new note, one Meg hadn’t heard before.

‘Do you have an idea?’

‘I do, though what you might think of it I can’t say. How would it be if I were to care for your child?’ She sounded hesitant and hopeful at the same time.

Bless Gerry for sending me to Vera and bless Vera for everything.

‘I’d say you are a wonderful woman to even think of it.’ Meg set down her cup and saucer and, reaching for Vera’s hands, held them between hers. ‘Yes, and thank you. A thousand times, thank you.’ Happy tears spilled over and ran down her cheeks.

Lambent light showed Vera’s smile, as wide as the Cheshire Cat’s, before she pulled Meg into a fierce embrace. ‘Thank you for trusting me. I’ll care for your little one as I would for my own.’
