Page 67 of Under the Dark Moon

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‘Meg!’ Pam, who had been in the hut with Gerry and Meg last year waved from a table on the far side of the mess. ‘Come and join us.’

Meg waved in acknowledgement. ‘As soon as I’ve got my tray.’

Claire raised an eyebrow. ‘So, Pammy has been here since you were here last time? That’s good. Anyone else you know?’

Meg scanned the staff already seated and nodded. ‘There are a handful of familiar faces.’

But not Doc. Funny how she thought of him by that name now she was back at the hospital. Doc had helped her find her feet and made her time at Currajong memorable. Without his support, she’d have been back in Brisbane much earlier, and probably wouldn’t have been able to return following Jennifer’s birth. She felt his absence keenly, and she owed him—big time.

Resolved to write and thank him as soon as she had free time, dinner passed happily as she caught up with staff who were still based at the hospital, and met new ones.

And when she woke the next morning, Meg was surprised that she’d slept through the night. No dreams, and no nightmares. Just a sense of being back where she belonged.


‘Letters for you, Sister.’ Corporal Davis, who was still working on the ward as an orderly, handed over two envelopes.

‘Thanks, Davis.’ Having been back at Currajong for almost two weeks, she’d been expecting to hear from Vera, but the second letter . . . She flipped both over and read the names of the senders: Vera, and Geoffrey. Tucking the letters into her pocket to read in a quiet moment, she handed him a file. ‘Prescott is being transferred to Brisbane. Can you make sure his gear is packed and he’s ready to go as soon as the doctor’s done his rounds?’

‘Sure can, Sister. And there’s someone waiting to see you in the office.’

‘Who is—’ But Davis was already off, delivering letters to patients down the ward and swapping friendly chat with them.

Meg frowned. She didn’t like surprises, although Davis would have warned her if the visitor had been important. Or difficult.

She checked on Private Miles in the close supervision bed. His breathing had stabilised, becoming regular over the last couple of hours, and his blood pressure was improving. Reassured she could leave him for a couple of minutes, she slipped along the corridor and opened the door to what had once been her, now Gerry’s office.

Sitting in the visitor’s chair was Geoffrey.

He rose and turned as she stepped into the room and stopped, hand on the door handle.

‘Hello, Margaret.’

‘Geoffrey—how on earth—’

‘Ah, you weren’t expecting me. It seems I beat my letter here.’

Meg’s hand went to her pocket and pulled out the two envelopes. ‘I’m guessing this is it? The mail just arrived. How are you?’ She’d missed his calm presence when she arrived back at the hospital, and the smile he reserved for her, the one that lit his face from within. But now he was here, her feelings zipped all over the place. Folding her hands over her stomach, she looked at him. A few more crinkles fanned from his eyes, but it had only been—what – five or six months since their last dinner together?

‘It’s lovely to see you, of course. I just wasn’t expecting . . . Would you like a cup of tea? But no, I can’t leave Private Miles for more than a few minutes.’

‘Margaret, don’t worry about tea. I knew you’d be busy, but I wanted to call in and see how you are, and invite you out to dinner, if you aren’t on duty tonight. It looks like you’re on day duty so I’m in luck.’

‘Yes, I—’ Meg closed her mouth. Seeing him now, for the first time since the news of Seamus’s death, threw her. His offer to wed her should the worst happen, God forbid, hung in the air between them. She had no idea how she felt about him, having thought the occasion would never arise. What should she say?

‘It’s fine. I’m here as your friend. I’m here to attend a conference, and I have a couple of days off. Catching up with you seemed like the nicest way of spending some of that time. So—would you like to have dinner with me?’

No pressure. We’re friends. That’s safe.

She sucked in a deep breath. I can do this.

‘I’d enjoy that, thank you. What time?’

‘I’ll call for you at six. Will that be enough time to get ready after your shift ends?’ His gaze was steady and seemed to her anxious mind nothing other than friendly.

The tightness in her chest eased, and she smiled. ‘Six is good. I’m owed a night off. Thank you for the invitation.’

