Page 82 of Under the Dark Moon

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Roger nodded. ‘It’s all about constructing the right image. I’ll come back to that shortly. Following the Acts of 1905 and 1921, we then have the 1935 Adoption of Children Act. Now this one is a bit of a kicker. Children's needs and rights to permanent legal parents are addressed. The key word is permanent. Adoptive parents are considered much more responsible and stable than biological parents and so are seen as more deserving of protection. Their identity is kept secret, although not that of thebiological mother. Adoptive parents are now given details of the mother's name.’

‘But I’m not allowed to know who has taken my child?’

Geoffrey covered her hands. ‘Breathe, Margaret. We’ll work it out and with Roger’s help, bring Jennifer home.’

Roger’s gaze lingered on their joined hands. ‘I hope this isn’t an indelicate question, but do you have any plans to wed in the near future?’

Meg looked up, her gaze swinging from Roger to Geoffrey. The solicitor must have intimated this solution during the phone conversation.

Geoffrey answered for both of them. ‘Margaret has done me the honour of agreeing to be my wife. We’ll be married as soon as it can be arranged.’

‘Excellent news. Congratulations. Your case will be stronger if you appeal to the court as a married couple. A major focus of the 1935 Act is on the creation of new family units, of which the adopted child is an integral part. However, once you are married, your union will be seen as providing that element of stability and care, especially if Geoffrey formally adopts your daughter.’

‘Which I will do.’ Geoffrey squeezed her hands and Meg allowed herself to hope. Alone, it was clear she would have fought an impossible battle. With Geoffrey by her side, there was a chance.

Gerry tapped on the door and stopped in the doorway. ‘I’m sorry to interrupt, but would you like to stay for dinner, Mr Altmann?’

‘Thank you, but no. My wife will have dinner ready when I get home.’ He shuffled his notes into order and tucked them first into a folder then into his briefcase before he stood. ‘Congratulations again on your impending nuptials. I’d be delighted to act as your witness or best man, whichever way you choose to go.’

Geoffrey held out his hand and they shook on it. ‘Thanks, old man. Can’t tell you how much we appreciate your help.’

Meg offered her hand too. ‘My sincere thanks, Roger.’

The solicitor took her hand between his. ‘Rest easy, Margaret. I will do everything in my power to restore your daughter to you.’

‘I’ll see you out.’ Geoffrey followed his friend down the hallway.

Gerry stepped into the room. ‘You’ve decided then? You’re going to marry Geoffrey?’

‘I am.’

‘So you love him – that’s good.’

‘I wish I could tell you that’s true, but I have no idea if it is. But marrying Geoffrey is the only way I can see to find Jennifer and bring her home. I know that makes me a terrible person, but I have to get my daughter back.’
