Page 93 of Under the Dark Moon

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‘What do you think? Enough or too much?’ Gerry was pinning a garland along the mantelpiece, while an upbeat Jimmy Dorsey record played on the Victrola. Her hips swayed along to the beat. She stepped back to survey her handiwork.

Meg joined her, slipping an arm around her waist. ‘Everything is wonderful—or nearly so.’

‘You need your daughter to make it perfect.’

Meg thought of her daughter’s sweet face the last time she’d been home. Last year felt so long ago. ‘I hope Jennifer hasn’t forgotten me.’

‘No chance, Meg.’

‘But she’s probably been calling some other woman ‘mum’ for the past few weeks. And she’s only three. And—’ The choking sensation hit again, as it did each time she thought of what they had lost. Time they could never recoup.

‘Don’t expect the worst. She loved you before she was taken, and she’ll love you when she comes home again, even if she takes a few days to settle in. If she’s a little hesitant, it won’t last.’ Tipping her head to the side, Gerry eyed off the garland then stepped in close and fiddled with it, hanging it in the same spot.

There was nothing wrong with how it was hung. Likely Gerry guessed Meg was feeling tearful. While Gerry’s back was turned, Meg wiped her eyes and took a calming deep breath. ‘You’re right. Is there anything else to go under the Christmas tree?’ The poinsettia was still doing well in its pot. Beneath its red leaves, a small pile of presents waited for Jennifer to open.

‘I got carried away and put my gift there this morning. I hope I’ve got her size right.’

Again, that feeling she’d lost precious time with Jennifer rose like nausea within her. And yet, she couldn’t regret the time she’d worked in Currajong, or flying medical evacuations and repatriation flights. Did that make her a bad mother, or an overly committed nurse? She shook her head, mainly to stop her own thoughts. ‘Do you think she’ll have grown very much?’

‘In two months? I can’t imagine it.’ Gerry twined her fingers together and peered at Meg. ‘I swapped shifts so I can be here when you get home with Jennifer. I hope that’s okay?’

Meg smiled. ‘I wouldn’t have it any other way. Having her family around her is the most important thing.’

Gerry blew out an audible breath. ‘I’m so happy to hear that. Oh, look at the time. I’ve got to go or I’ll be late for my shift tonight. Hooroo.’
