Page 95 of Under the Dark Moon

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Their eyes met across Jennifer’s head. ‘You’ll be a wonderful father to her.’ With the tip of a finger, Meg brushed her daughter’s fringe to the side. Perhaps one day, they’d have a child of their own. Maybe a boy for Geoffrey. Watching him making these first tentative connections with Jennifer, Meg thought he wouldn’t mind what sex their child was.

The taxi turned around at the river end of the road and pulled up in front of their home. Geoffrey paid the fare then came around to open her door. A hand beneath her elbow helped her step out of the taxi with her armful of child. She couldn’t bear to set Jennifer down, not yet. She carried her up the front steps and into the relative coolness of the wide hallway. ‘We’re home, my darling.’

Gerry stuck her head around the door of the lounge room, and cupped Jennifer’s cheek. ‘Hello, precious girl.’ Glancing at Meg, she stepped back and held the door wide. ‘We’re in here.’

We? As she stepped through the doorway, Meg wondered who Gerry had invited to join them and felt mildly annoyed. She didn’t want to share her daughter with anyone just yet.

Two faces were turned towards her, their smiles slipping as their gazes landed on her.

Her knees went wobbly, and her stomach clenched at the sight of them. Had Gerry invited them? She knew how Meg felt; what she feared.

Today of all days, how could she have allowed them to ambush her like this?

‘Mum, Dad, what are you doing here?’
