Page 123 of Dare To Love Me

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When Becka came her slick heat clamped around me until I spilled inside her with gritted teeth and a groan that was more animal than human. She pulsed around me crying out and moaning until she milked every last drop out of me. Her face and chest were flushed a bright pink, eyelids fluttering down at me as her body went lax.

Pulling Becka into my chest, I felt her heart beating as fast as mine. We were both panting so hard I wondered if there would be any oxygen left in the room by the time we could catch our breath.

“Holy shit babe, you wrecked me,” I panted.

“I saw stars. That was amazing as usual. I even did all the work this time.” I heard the smile in her voice. Becka didn’t mind being on top one bit, but I knew she loved being on bottom, me pounding into her.

“You like touching yourself, don’t you? Dirty girl.”

She slapped my chest making me bark out in laughter. Then she lifted her head so she could press a hard kiss to my lips, her long hair dangling in my face. “Only when you ask me,” she whispered.

I rolled us over so she could lay beside me, wincing as I pulled out. Her eyes locked with mine swimming with emotion. They looked uncertain as she used her fingertips to brush at my hair, chest and shoulders.

“What are you thinking about?” I asked, pushing strands of hair off her face.

“I know you always say you can’t make promises, but I need just one.”

I sighed. “I’ll do my best. What is it?”

“I need you to promise me that when we do decide to have children that they will never be a part of the mafia. That you will do everything in your power to keep them out of it?”

“You have my word.”

“Really?” The smile she blessed me with was blinding. What I wouldn’t do to see that smile. Although the surprise in her voice rubbed a bit raw.

“Yes. I don’t want them to follow in my footsteps. I want them to be free to live a normal life.” Like the one that was stollen from you. Guilt crashed in on me at the memory of how we got there.

With another radiant smile full of happiness, she pulled me on top of her and kissed me tenderly. “Thank you.”

I looked down into her otherworldly eyes, where another question loomed. Stroking my hands through the dark waves of her hair I asked, “What are you thinking now?”

“When you were a boy, what did you want to be when you grew up?”

The question caught me off guard. Talking about kids must have spurred the inquiry but I was momentarily stunned. I stared down at her. No one had asked me that in a very long time.

“Before my parents died, and even after that for a while, I wanted to be a world photographer.”

Her faced brighten with amusement. “Really?”

I nodded. “Really. I wanted to travel the world and visit places I had only seen in magazines or books or TV. Go to places few have ever seen and take pictures that would take their breath away.”

“That sounds amazing. Did you take the pictures in your room?”

“Our room, you mean?”

She huffed. “Yes, of course our room.”


“They are really good.” Then her smile turned coy. “Do you still have your camera?”


“Are you going to take pictures of me?” Becka wiggled underneath me, loving the way I gave her a little thrust back.

“Only if you are naked and doing dirty things in them,” I whispered against her throat, teasing her skin with my lips where I knew she got ticklish after sex.
