Page 150 of Dare To Love Me

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“Entertaining his guests. She is my property. My responsibly” Becka’s eyes opened to look at me, tears spilled down her cheeks. She had to know it wasn’t true, but in that moment I’m sure it hit like a punch to the gut. “I’m sure if he knew you were here he would have made the trip.”

“That is very disappointing. I assumed he would be smart enough to figure it out. And here you are alone, willing to die a painful death for property.”

I noted the time in my head. “It’s a matter of honor.” My gazed flicked to Becka. “Nothing more.” Her face twisted with hurt. A hand reached into my chest, took ahold of my heart and crushed it, causing my breath to catch. Everything about this was killing her. Especially the comfort of an encouraging word or look that I was denying her. I steeled myself against her pain. Just a bit longer.

“What do you want?” I asked impatiently.

“Want? I want the Russo family finished,” Petrov’s voice began to rise, a sneer curled his lip. “I will take Matteo apart a piece at a time until his world is crumbling around him. You are a fool for thinking you could walk in here alive and leave the same way. You insult me. Now I will kill you and deliver your dismembered body to your boss.”

I noted the time again. Any second now. The men around me started closing in as Petrov’s temper rose.

“But before I kill you,” he hissed, turning so he could crush Becka’s body flush against him. She cried out as he wrenched hard on her hair using his other hand to palm her breast. Hold! “I’m going to make you watch as I fuck your wife right here on the cold floor. So you can listen to her screaming for your help and there will be nothing…”


Petrov’s words evaporated as a deafening explosion rocked the building. Everyone stumbled on their feet for a brief moment as others sprawled on the floor, injured or stunned. Becka’s body hit the floor, curling into a protective ball.

I set the beast loose.

Blood thirsty and revenge hungry my body flew into action with the intent to destroy. I plowed into Petrov who’d been waiting for me. Fists, elbows and knees collided with their target. But Petrov would not easily be put down. Big and strong, his skill matched my own making it hard to inflict heavy damage without receiving just as much. Smoke filled in around us as flames grew higher and the world glowed orange.

The small, sane part of me wanted to go to Becka and hold her in my arms. Feel her breath against my skin and never let go.

The monster inside would not so easily be turned aside. This man had taken her form me. Put his hands on her and caused pain. Threatened to rape her in front of me. The beast roared with new intensity. And I liked it. Craved more of it. More pain, more violence. Just like old times.

My vision turned black. I let myself get lost in the rage.
