Page 30 of Dare To Love Me

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“I was ten when I first saw Matteo,” Arianna continued. “Matteo and his father started to come around often, sometimes Luca would come with them too. I liked seeing Matteo. He was older but I had a major crush. Of course he didn’t notice me, I was just a little girl. At fourteen when my dad told me what he did for the Russos I still didn’t know what the mafia was. Then when I turned sixteen, Matteo noticed me. He had grown into a heart stopping man and I was becoming a woman. But he was a grown man, I was still very young, so he kept me at arms length. It was torture. Matteo in no way was into young girls and felt dirty about wanting me.”

A smile lit her face, then faltered. “But we couldn’t resist each other. When I was seventeen it got really hard for both of us. Matteo wanted to be with me. He even told my dad, out of respect for him and myself, he would give his word not to touch me until I turned eighteen. My dad said no. He asked Lorenzo out of respect for his years of service that I be deemed off-limits. Lorenzo agreed. Matteo had no say, maybe like me, he thought time would make the feelings fade. I knew I was already in love with him. That’s why when I graduated high school my father had no problem sending me across the country for college. He wanted me as far away from Matteo as possible. I hoped the distance would help me forget him, but it never did. I never stopped loving him.”

I figured I was being fed the condensed version of the story, but things were falling into place. We had been partiers and taken full advantage of college life at Chico State, but now it all made total sense why Arianna had never been interested in guys. She liked men but never had a boyfriend or played the field. And neither of us ever made a big deal out of it.

When reality was, Arianna had been pining away for Matteo the whole time.

My brows furrowed. “So what made your dad change his mind? Or Lorenzo for that matter?”

“Matteo.” Her smile was beautiful and full of love. “When I came back from college I was lost and sad. Knowing I was in the same city as him but couldn’t be with him was awful. We saw each other by chance one day in a restaurant. He took me home and made love to me all night while taking my virginity, promising that we would be together. That he would never let me go again. That was eight months ago.” She sounded so happy.

“My father had been approached and harassed by other syndicates over the years to open his business to them. It got pretty intense around the time Matteo and I reconnected.” She pressed her lips together, looking like she wanted to say something she shouldn’t. When she started again I was sure she was still hiding it. “Matteo used the situation to convince Lorenzo that a simple agreement was no longer enough. It needed to be a contract of blood. Blood that our children would have in them. Half Russo, half Dellucci; binding our two families. I’m no mafia princess by name, but my father’s growing success allowed Lorenzo to overlook that. I’m still Italian and wealthy as fuck, our marriage will be profitable.”

I raked my hands into my hair, resting my elbows on the counter. My brain was roiling hot from trying to comprehend everything she just explained. It felt like my mind would melt and run out my ears. “Why did you not tell me any of this? I would never have said anything. You know that.”

Her face drowned in regret. “Because I was trying to protect you from all this. I was basically born into it. I didn’t choose this life. I chose Matteo. This life is not what I wanted but you can’t help who you love. I’m just thankful he loves me back. No matter what my father wanted to believe, I was never getting out. I was bound to be married to someone involved with the Russos. No one gets out, remember?”

Tears fell from her eyes as she turned away. Arianna wrapped her arms around herself and cried softly. “I never wanted you tainted by this world. You are my best friend and I love you. It killed me lying to you about my family. Who I am. Who Matteo is. I couldn’t risk it, I just couldn’t.” She took a shaky breath. “Now everything that is happening to you is my fault. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, Becka.” Then she was sobbing.

I saw my friend in a whole new light. All this time I thought I was the one protecting Arianna. Not that she needed it, but that’s just who I am. I protect the people I love. Every time a guy came on too strong or she mouthed off to the wrong person, I was there to intervene. On several occasions it was me squaring off with a jealous girlfriend because the boyfriend had been hitting on Arianna. Turns out I was the one being protected from an entire world. She was an amazing friend. It was time I told her what she needed to hear.

Making my way around the island I pulled her into my arms. Her small frame crumbled into me as I hugged her tight. Her arms came around me like a python. “I forgive you,” I said quietly. “I love you girly. Nothing was your fault.”

I held her while she cried, wetting my shirt with her tears. It felt good to have my friend back. A piece of my heart clicked back into place and the veil of loneliness began to lift.

I felt my own eyes beginning to burn hot, I needed to lighten the mood. I pulled away slightly so I could look her in the eye. “I forgive you. Truly. But it doesn’t mean you are getting off easy.”


Before she could finish I took a handful of flour out of the bag and smashed it into her hair. Then stepped back to take in her full reaction.

Arianna gasped in shock and froze, her mouth gaping open like a fish.

I gave her a mischievous grin and waggled my eyebrows in challenge.

It was on.

She reached for the diced veggies on the island, while I went for the fresh fruit on the side counter. It was an all-out food fight. Food was flying everywhere. Eggs, veggies, grated cheese. Anything we could get our hands on was sent hurtling through the air at the other person. We laughed so hard it hurt my chest and cramped my abs.

After two minutes the only thing left untouched was the bag of flour on the island. We spied it at the same time and lunged. It was a tie.

We fisted the bag and pulled. The bag ripped down the middle, sending an explosion of white into the air. We crashed to the floor.

I propped myself up on my elbows, sputtering to rid my mouth of the bitter flour and looked at Arianna across from me. Then we both took in the room. Pieces of food and flour covered every surface and the walls. I was covered from head to toe in flour, my hair halfway pulled out of its bun. Arianna didn’t look any better. We were a total mess.

I met her wide eyes with my own, oh shit, expression. Her lips quirked. Laughter erupted out of us. Belly rolling laughs that brought tears to my eyes and turned my stomach rock hard. I could barely breathe.

“What the fuck is going on in here?” An angry male voice boomed.

Arianna’s face went cold as she stared at something over my shoulder.

Looking up, I craned my neck to see two very unhappy men. Matteo’s hands fisted on his hips while Luca’s powerful arms were crossed over his chest. They resembled two pissed off fathers about to scold their children.

“Ah… cooking,” I answered trying not to laugh. Arianna sputtered a restrained chuckle under her breath. It set me off and we both laughed hysterically again.

Both men’s expressions hardened.

Jeez. Who pissed in your cheerios this morning?

Arianna and I quieted as we picked ourselves off the floor, sending puffs of flour in the air as we tried to dust off.

Luca glowered at me. I crossed my arms and glared back. He didn’t approve of the situation. Two grown women having a food fight like a couple of teenagers. I stuck out my chin.

This is me. You don’t like it? You can go to hell.

There was no way I was going to take on the role of some smug, stuck up piece of eye candy who wouldn’t dream of doing anything to risk chipping a nail. Or pretend to not have depth beyond that of a gold fish, like I’m sure many of his other women had been.

I will be who I am, no compromising.
