Page 32 of Dare To Love Me

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Iwaited nervously. It was the first time Luca and I had been in the same room alone together. Suddenly the feeling sent my body into a state of elation mixed with uncertainty. It felt like every inch of my body was constricted with invisible chains. A rush tingled from my chest to my toes. Being alone in a room with Luca, so big and powerful— in more ways than one— was more difficult than I’d imagined. He was intoxicating.

“This is how this marriage is going to play out,” he announced with absolute certainty, “you will learn to act as my wife is expected.”

I went from unsure to plain pissed-off so fast my face tingled from the rush of heat. My mouth dropped open. What the fuck did he just say?

“You cut the shit of defying me in public, such as shrugging out of my hold. You listen and do everything I ask of you. You will not argue and never throw your attitude when other people are present.”

Rage fumed in my ears. Moments ago, when I’d signed my life away, I had idiotically held onto hope. He’d been relieved when I signed. I had thought maybe, just maybe, he thought of me as more than property. That he really felt something for me.

Wrong.So very stupidly wrong.

All of that shattered into a million pieces the moment he opened his mouth. My body went rigid, fighting back the urge to lunge and punch him in the face.

My change of state didn’t seem to bother him as he continued.

“You will come when called and leave when told to do so. You belong to me and will never touch another man. I will not let you jeopardize me or my position in front of anyone. You…”

“So, will I be sleeping in the house or outside in the kennel?” He was describing a dog. If he thought for one second that I’d bend over and take this, he was dead wrong.

“Watch your mouth,” he growled.

“Or what?” I challenged, anger fueling my bravery.

He came at me.

I backed away on instinct, until my butt hit the windowsill, gripping it tight to steady myself. He closed the distance and entered my space in three strides. Then he obliterated any personal bubble that existed when his body came within an inch of touching, his hands coming to rest next to mine.

He was so close. I could feel the heat pouring off of him. My lungs seized as I tried and failed to take a breath. His face was close enough his lips were almost on mine. His eyes were hard and promising, demanding respect. Then he leaned in until his lips brushed my ear, his breath tickling my neck. I felt knuckles grazing my shoulder, moving down my arm in a featherlight touch.

“Or I will punish you.” His voice was all gravel and iron.

I shivered, from the top of my head down, until it settled in my lady parts. Parts that were taking on a mind of their own. The tone held no aggression, despite the deep rumble, it was silky smooth and seductive. I squeezed my thighs together to block out the rush of heat between my legs. But my treacherous body was having none of it. It sought him out, as my back bowed to push against his front. My head fell back in a lull, feeling my breasts pillow against his hard chest with every breath.

His chest sucked in tight with a hiss through his teeth. Luca leaned in, pressing his hips into my stomach, where I could feel his very hard erection digging into me. His shoulders hunched in restraint, body vibrating with energy. Luca groaned deep in his throat, and I was instantly wet for him.

I was loosing myself to the moment, my mind going fuzzy around the edges. I had to get control of myself. After what he just said to me, I should be ripping his throat out, not wishing he was ripping my clothes off.

I will not be a door mat.

I pushed through his arm and stepped away, needing the space. My body still hummed wildly. I focused on my indignation. “Is that all you want? A slave?” I chided. “You could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you’d left me to be claimed by someone else. Then you could’ve been free to order a wife from ‘Mob Wives Are Us’.”

Luca surged forward, grasping my arms in a painful grip and dragged me into his chest. I hissed as my body slammed into his, jolting from the impact. He shoved his face in mine, furious.

“I never had any intention of treating you like a slave! I still don’t. But you have become a part of something ugly that you don’t understand. There are no dogs eating dogs out here, Becka. There are monsters waiting to destroy anything that shows weakness. Under Lorenzo and Matteo, I’m the next biggest target, because I will be Underboss one day. If I look weak to others, like not being able to control my wife, they will attempt to cut me down. This is the mafia, not the boy scouts.” He paused pulling in a steadying breath, his gaze bearing down on me. “If I die, you will be given to someone like Nico.” His face darkened, sharpening his cheekbones. “Who will fuck you brutally without mercy every night. Is that what you want?”

“No!” I screamed in his face, horrified by what he said, and even more so that he’s making a modicum of sense.

My eyes started to glaze. Don’t cry.

His expression changed to concern, glancing at where his hands were digging into my flesh. He released me carefully and stepped away. Thrusting his hands into his pockets he looked to the ceiling taking controlled breaths.

“You’re right.” I wrapped my arms around myself, and stared at the floor. “I don’t know anything about the world I now exist in.” My breaths were shaky. “But despite what you may think, I have seen darkness before, and I know what it took for it not to destroy me. If I turn away from who I am, I know I won’t survive.”

The confession felt like it had been ripped from my soul. I looked up to see Luca’s handsome face pinched with concern and questions. Too many questions. Questions I didn’t want to think about the answers to. Old pain was eating at my insides. I ducked my gaze, unable to take his apprehension about my state.

“I’m not asking you to give up who you are.” His voice turned softer. “But you need to trust me and do as I say.”
