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‘Yes and they predicted it, so you see, they were right and they’ve never let me forget it. I’ve lived a pretty sordid lifestyle, I admit that. Carmichael was the family black sheep. No one spoke to him and the family disowned him. They were embarrassed of him and then he died and I filled the shoes of the black sheep. My parents are ashamed of me. That’s it.’

I recoil at the last part. ‘They shouldn’t be ashamed of you.’ That kind of makes me mad.

‘It’s just the way it is.’ He shrugs.

‘So you’ve known John a long time?’ If he helped run The Manor in the early days, we’re talking sixteen-ish years.

‘Yes, a long time.’ he smiles fondly. ‘He was great friends with Carmichael.’

‘How old is he?’

He looks up and frowns. ‘Fifty-ish, I think.’

‘Well, how old was Carmichael?’ I ask.

‘When he died? Thirty one.’

‘That young?’ I blurt. I imagined him to be a long silver haired, tanned, smarmy type.

He laughs at my stunned face. ‘There were ten years between my father and Carmichael. He was an afterthought on my grandparent’s part.’

‘Oh,’ I do a quick mental calculation. ‘So, there was only ten years between you and Carmichael too.’

‘He was more like a brother.’

‘How did he die?’ I’m probably pushing my luck now, but I’m intrigued. I’m beginning to build a picture of Jesse’s history, and now I’m like a dog with a bone.

Sadness washes over Jesse’s face. ‘In a car accident.’

‘Oh.’ I whisper, but then realisation dawns. My eyes drift down his stomach and linger in the area where I know his scar to be. Jesse was in the car with Carmichael. Oh God. All of those times I’ve probed him and badgered him about it, he said it was too painful to talk about and it really is. My one million piece Jesse jigsaw puzzle is all starting to fit together. His Mum and Dad moved to a different country, he refused to go because he wanted to stay with his uncle, who was more like a brother – I will disregard the f**king about part – and then three years later, he lost Carmichael in a tragic accident that caused major injuries to him too. It’s no wonder he fell deeper into the pit of drink and sex afterwards. It all makes perfect sense now. I feel like a huge weight has just been lifted from my shoulders. Of course there is a reason for why he is like he is.

‘Don’t go to work.’ He pulls me over onto his lap with care and nuzzles my nose with his. ‘Stay at home and let me love you. I want to take you out for dinner this evening. I owe you some special time.’

I melt all over him. My new found knowledge, coupled with his reasonableness, refuses to let me say no. ‘I go back to work tomorrow.’ I say assertively. I need to sort out some seriously troubling issues at work. Namely…Mikael Van Der Haus. I can’t even begin to imagine what Patrick is going to say.

‘Fine,’ He rolls his eyes. ‘Right, I’m going for a run to alleviate some of the pressure that my challenging temptress presents me with, and then we snuggle all afternoon and go out for dinner. Deal?’

‘Deal, but I challenge the middle part of that statement and trump it with a deluded God.’

He gives me his smile, reserved only for me, and falls back onto the bed cautiously. ‘Kiss me, now.’ he demands, and I dive straight in with an appreciation kiss. He’s opened up and I feel so much better. Basking on Central Jesse cloud nine has resumed.

Chapter 33

‘Good morning, baby.’

I open my eyes wide in alarm. Morning? ‘It’s not, is it?’

‘No, it’s five o’clock. You’ve been asleep all afternoon. How does your back feel?’ He crawls up the bed, completely naked, until he is lying flush with me. I marvel at the beads of water glimmering on his firm shoulders and chest. He’s shaved. He smells divine.

I wriggle a little. ‘It feels okay.’ It’s not massively uncomfortable, but that’s not to say I would like to go through it again. ‘I’m a lazy arse, wallowing in bed all afternoon on a work day.’ I turn into his chest and get my fix of pure fresh water and mint.

‘Just think, if you gave up work, you could do this every day. How perfect would that be?’

‘For you,’ I grumble. ‘Perfect for you because you’ll know where I am all the time.’ I push my lips into his chest, contemplating that he might just get his way. I know Patrick well, but not well enough to be confident that he would send Mikael packing when I tell him what’s going on.

‘Exactly.’ He threads his fingers through my hair. ‘You could come to work with me and we would never have to be apart.’

‘You would get sick of me.’

‘Not possible. Are you going to let me take you out for dinner?’

‘Or we could just stay right here.’ I slide my hand over his stomach and brush over his scar.

‘Nothing would please me more, but I would like to take you out. Do you mind?’ he asks, rather reasonably.

That’s not like him at all. And him turning down the opportunity to keep me in bed? I’m suspicious.

‘But then again,’ he whispers, ‘I’ve not been inside you for way too long. That is not acceptable.’ He eases me over onto my back gently. ‘Baby, sleepy sex is off the menu for a while, so I’m just going to f**k you. Any objections?’ He rests his body half on mine, his eyes instantly smoking out. That, mixed with his lurid words, has me whipped into a lustful frenzy. But he’s even asking me if I mind him taking me, which, not surprisingly, I don’t, but I prefer dominant Jesse taking what he wants.
