Page 29 of Outlaw's Prize

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"We'll need to go to the doctor. I don't want you bringing babies in my house," he said and left the room. He didn't need to say it but I’m pretty sure he just had the best sex of his life and that made me proud of myself. A man had the best sex with little old me. He probably was never even going to talk about it. That day officially marked the beginning of many other days that I would have sex with him, whether I was ready or not.

It has not always been the gentle breathtaking sex it was on that day. Sometimes I am left with bruises but they heal eventually.

Maybe it would have been much worse if I had been trafficked but maybe, I would have found a way out and found freedom. Either way, I am stuck with Enzo and it was probably for the best. I would be forced to go back to the streets if I left and I am not ready for that again. I am used to being who he made me; it's for my own good.

* * *

Present Day

"You did good today," Enzo says after we see our guests out. "I am glad to see I have taught you something valuable."

"Thank you. You were also pretty convincing."

"As a reward, you'll be coming with me to the warehouse tomorrow to welcome a shipment."

"Uhm...isn't that like dangerous?"

"Yes. If things go wrong, it can be bloody. We just hope it won't come to that. That reminds me, I need to book the motorcycle club. I liked that lot. They will escort the shipment to the destination in case shit hits the fan."

"But won't that draw too much attention to yourself and lead your enemies to your warehouse?"

"See, you have learned so much. And no, they will be escorting it to the buyer after we've confirmed everything we ordered is in there as per the buyer's instructions. He will know what to do with it after we've delivered."


"Now go get ready. We are going shopping for tomorrow's outfit." He goes back inside after the guest's car starts. I feel like jumping and screaming to let the whole world know how happy I am. The only thing that would do, however, is increase my prison sentence. I wave them goodbye but stay rooted to the doorstep until their car is out of sight. Just needed a little fresh air.

I can't help but smile as I freely walk to my room. I like it when he is in such a mood and it's such days that make me a little grateful that he picked me to be his sex slave.
