Page 34 of Outlaw's Prize

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"Are you out of your fucking mind?" Jim whispers.

"I am pretty sure you don't have the slightest idea why I need those things so no; you are,” I half lie. I’m probably out of my fucking mind.

"I do know the Mafia boss has something to do with two of those things."

"Are you helping me or not?"

"Dude, my clothes can't even fit you."

"I know. I just need you to help me buy something I can wear to the casino."

"It's settled. You are out of your fucking mind,” Jimmy throws his hands up in frustration.

"You wanted me to do this the nonviolent way, that's what I am doing so come on. I don't have the whole evening."

"Hey, Butch," Jim calls to one of my guys.

"What's up? You guys sniffing some illegal shit?"

"I need you to cover for me for about an hour. I'll give you a twenty," says Jim.

Butch looks at Jim then me. "Fifty."

"Fine. Let's go, Jimmy," I say, leading the way out of the club house.

"That fifty is on you and before I forget, I didn't want you to do it at all, violent or non-violent way," Jimmy states.

"You trust him?" I ask.

"Who? Enzo?" he asks.

"Butch with the bar, dickhead."

"Oh, yeah. He covers for me a lot," Jimmy replies.

"I am your fucking boss. I’m supposed to know if one of my guys is watching the bar for you." My voice is raised to surpass the engine's noise and so is Jim's.

"Right. Sorry."

Our first stop is at a boutique Jim advised me to go to. "So how do you know Enzo will be at the casino?" Jim asks as we check the organized racks.

"I don't know for a fact. All I know is one of the men he was sharing a table with will be there. People always posting their next move on the Internet is helpful after all. If he doesn't show up with her, I will return to that damn casino until he shows up. He is a regular there, most of the staff knew him."

I end up buying a black suit with a white shirt and a pair of black Oxfords. I have never been a fan of wearing ties and I don't think wearing one to a casino is a requirement. I could have gone with a pair of blue jeans and a cut off vest but I want to feel and look like I fit in tonight. I will not be there as an escort to some powerful goon but as someone who just wants to have fun.

I leave my bike at Jim's garage after he assures me it is safe there and if anything happens to it, he will be responsible. He lives alone in a house with a garage so I believe him when he says my baby will be safe. He gives me a spare key, leaves me to get dressed, and calls an Uber for the both of us.

By 7:45 p.m., I am at the casino, sipping a martini, having already examined every corner of the casino.

Anticipation is killing me by 8 p.m. I keep looking at the entrance every five seconds but Enzo doesn't walk in. My right leg is uncontrollably shaking by 8:07. Deep breaths help me calm down but it doesn't last. My head immediately turns to the entrance when someone walks in. I am on my second glass of martini and almost to requesting another one. I am not sure how long I will sit here waiting but I know I won't leave any time soon. I am capable of handling any overwhelming feeling or reaction I might experience.

8:33 p.m. is the time I see Enzo's unmistakable face walk in accompanied by the girl who has made my days long and nights restless. Each staff member that greets him, slightly bows and gestures him welcome. He is in a black suit and the girl is in a black, see-through jumpsuit that closely resembles a fishnet and reveals her black bra and thong underneath.

They sit three tables from me in company of the same people they shared a table with before. The waiter gets a stool for Everleigh. She looks sad as she stares at the floor sitting next to that asshole. She rests her hands on her laps and looks at the table in front of her as if preparing herself for a long boring night. I had noticed she seemed shorter the previous time, I just didn't realize she was sitting on a stool.

The group suddenly breaks into laughter except for the girl. I think he told us her name was Everleigh. Enzo gently tugs her breast leading to more laughter. I move two tables closer and sit with my back facing Enzo. I wouldn't want him to notice me this soon. I want him to be himself with the people he is comfortable with.

"Nah, I don't need to worry about that. This one helps me sleep like a baby. Riding me like a young energetic horse every single night," Enzo says proudly.
