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I shouldn’t have admitted that to Alex, not when his initial reception was so cold. I’m still not sure why he got so upset. Something feels off, but I’m not sure what. Since I’m leaving today, I’ll probably never find out.

Alex stares at me like an owl, his eyes wide and his face blank. After a moment, he clears his throat. “And here we are.”

“Here we are,” I agree softly.

The café matron brings our order, saving us from the awkward topic I steered our conversation toward. I thank her, my attention on the white porcelain cup she sets beside my tea. Thick, ivory-colored foam covers the top, and the smell is rich and deep.

As soon as Marie leaves, I ignore the tea for the coffee, pausing to breathe in the fragrance before I take a tentative sip. Across from me, Alex watches with a vague smile.

The taste is creamy and sweet but slightly bitter. It’s not what I expected.

“It’s good,” I say after a moment of indecision. “But not like chocolate.”

“Not like chocolate at all,” Alex agrees.

I take another sip, savoring the unexpectedly dark flavor. “Still, it’s a shame we don’t have this at home.”

Very few things are imported into West Faerie. Luxuries enjoyed in Valsta are often impossible to find after you cross the bridge that separates our kingdoms.

“Perhaps you could stay a few more days?” Alex asks. “We could come again tomorrow morning.”

I carefully set the cup on its saucer. “I don’t have much time. No one knows where I am, and there will be chaos if I don’t return soon.”

Alex’s eyebrows shoot up. “You stole into Valsta without anyone’s knowledge? Alone?”

“The members of my court believe I’m staying with my brother. By now, Brahm should know I came into Valsta, but I didn’t tell him which region I planned to visit. If I linger, he’ll eventually track me down.” Wryly, I add, “Thankfully, your kingdom is rather large.”

“Is it even safe for you to be here?” Alex demands. “If people knew who you—”

“It’s best they don’t find out,” I say sharply, a warning in my voice.

Alex’s expression evens out. “I won’t be the one to betray your secret, princess.”

My fear subsides, and I nod, picking up the cup again just so I’ll have something to do with my hands. The man makes me nervous. My stomach is in knots, yet I don’t want to leave.

“I don’t think it’s safe for you to take the public coach,” Alex says after a long pause, twisting the gold ring he wears on his right hand. “If you stay just a few more days, I’ll take you to Kellington myself. I have several more auditions to get through this week, but after that, we can leave.”

“That’s too much trouble for you…” I say, but my mind wanders to Mr. Cumberland, the slaughterhouse proprietor. Now that I’ve had the experience of riding in a public coach, I don’t think I need to do it again.

“It’s no trouble,” Alex insists. “And what are a few more days when you’re on the run?”

That’s a good point. I’m sure Brahm is already livid, and another week isn’t going to change that.

I hold my breath as I think about it. After several seconds, I ask, “Could I watch the auditions with you?”

The idea of seeing the behind-the-scenes events of a performance is intriguing. I’ve read several plays in the last five years. Is it one I’m familiar with?

“You want to?” Alex asks skeptically. “It’s not terribly exciting.”

Careful to hide my enthusiasm, I nod.

Alex studies me like he’s unsure what to make of me, and then he says, “I don’t see any harm in it…”

“Very well. I accept your offer.”

Alexander gives me that bemused look again. As soon as he catches himself, he jerks his attention toward his crumb cake. “With that all settled, your schedule is now clear. What shall we do with the rest of the day?”
