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Alex makes a noise of understanding. “Iron?”


“Copper?” he asks, surprised.

“All metals respond to magic,” I explain. “Pewter carries memories and is often used for gifts and trinkets. Gold is a vessel, excellent for holding spells—like your ring. Silver amplifies our magic, and iron creates an uncomfortable sensation and is generally avoided. Copper, however, is deadly. It opposes our magic, causing a sparking, searing reaction.”

“Where did you stumble across such a thing in Faerie?” he asks.

“My sister-in-law brought it across the border for protection.” I clench my fist to hide the offending scar. “Mother and I had a fight. She used magic to compel me to pick up the letter opener.”

Alex takes my hand again, gently parting my fingers to study the scar once more. “That’s wicked, even for Queen Marison.”

“After that, she commanded me to stab it into my heart.”

He gapes at me, his mouth working as he tries to form a response.

A rueful smile pulls at my mouth. “My mother and I don’t have a healthy relationship. Thankfully, the spell she tried to use on Alice ricocheted back at her, and now she’s in a deep, nightmare-riddled slumber.”

“Sabine…” Alex says, still searching for words.

I pull my hand from his, dropping it into my lap. “It’s fine.”

“It’s not fine.” He runs his hand through his hair. “Why would your sister-in-law keep a copper tool in her possession?”

Unsure how he’ll respond, I say, “Alice is human.”

Alex stares at me, probably thinking he misheard. “But that’s not…”

“Allowed?” I respond with a laugh. “Brahm is aware.”

“What about children?” he asks.

“At one time, they would be put to death.” My stomach tightens at the thought. “However, I certainly won’t allow any future nephew or niece of mine to face such an untimely end. I’m afraid we’ll have to forge our own path ahead.”

“I imagine their relationship has been met with hostility.”

Feeling anxious, I suddenly stand. “The people were so glad to be free of my mother’s rule; they were willing to overlook Alice’s humanity since she was the heroine of the hour. But there has been resistance, yes. Their relationship is certainly unusual.”

Alex joins me, and we begin to walk the path once more. “And how do you feel about it?”

No one has ever asked me before, and I take a moment to put my thoughts in order. “I believe Brahm made his life unnecessarily difficult.”

“Because he fell in love with a human?”

“No.” I turn to face him. “Because he insisted on marrying her.”

“So you would have preferred he keep her as a mistress?” Alex demands. “Made her a pet instead?”

“Before you get angry, let me explain.” Somehow. “I love my brothers—they are my world. Bearing that in mind, yes, I would have liked Brahm to have chosen an easier path. But he’s happy, and I’m content with his decision.”

“But it’s not a decision you would have made yourself?”

“If you’re asking whether I would consider a romantic fling with a human…well.” Uncomfortable, I turn my attention to a blooming shrub covered in frothy orbs of small white flowers. “You should already know the answer to that.”

“But would you marry one?” Alex presses.

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Are you proposing?”
