Page 25 of A Highwayman's Kiss

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'I love you.' She murmured the words into Marcus' broad chest. The thought still seemed too silly to say to his face--but oh, he had such a lovely face. A face she could never tire of looking at. 'That's foolish, isn't it?'

'If it's foolish then I'm a fool as well.' Marcus gently tilted Abigail's head upward until she was looking into his eyes. 'Because I love you, and madly.'

'But we haven't had a courtship. We haven't had that--that time.'

‘And every other couple has a long, dull stretch of time learning about one another. Learning what moves the other, what frightens them, slowly forming the spell that will bind them together for life. All that changes with us is that we have done that, all of that, in the space of a few days. That leaves us with a lifetime to love one another all the better.’

‘I should have known Blossom’s name was Blossom. Only you could name a highwayman’s steed something that sweet.’

‘And I should have known that you wouldn’t give a fig for my wealth if it meant I hadn’t been honest with you. I have already wasted so much time.’

‘No. We have all the time in the world.’ It was true; none of the days apart counted. All that mattered was that she and Marcus were together again. ‘Every day, every night. Every minute, if we wish it.’

‘Every second.’ Marcus hugged her tightly, kissing the top of her head with a voice that trembled. ‘Oh, Abigail, I… I almost lost you.’

‘And I almost lost you. But we don’t need to think about that now.’ Abigail gently disentangled herself from Marcus as she took hold of his hands. ‘Because we have found one another again.’

‘Ahem!’ Winnie’s voice combined a good deal of humour with just a touch of embarrassment. ‘I’ve examined this bird’s nest most thoroughly, but I’m running out of twigs and pieces of fluff to be fascinated by!’

Abigail turned, laughing. After a moment of what looked like bewilderment, Marcus laughed too. He bowed, addressing Winnie. ‘Forgive me, madam. I have been unthinkably impolite.’

‘Oh, goodness no. Don’t worry about that. This is the most fun I’ve had in ages.’ Winnie curtseyed quickly to Marcus, then turned immediately to Abigail. ‘Although my presence here has officially become useless, I think.’

‘Your presence is never useless.’

‘Oh, at least give me something to do! Otherwise I’ll feel as if I’m reading a book!’

‘Fine. You may walk—and I mean walk—to your house, and tell your parents that I am to be married.’ Abigail smiled at Winnie, who smiled back with irrepressible joy. ‘Then you must await my letter from Gretna Green.’

‘Gretna Green?’ Marcus looked at her, one eyebrow raised. ‘Are we eloping, Abigail?’

‘I assumed we were. Do we really wish to wait through the tiresome business of having banns read? And my parents will no doubt wish to make peace with me, given that I am to marry a duke, and goodness knows I don’t wish to do that.’ Abigail shrugged happily. Everything was so light, so full of gold, that none of her words seemed to carry any weight whatsoever. ‘Well, perhaps my mother—but that will take time, and patience, and when it comes to marrying you I don’t want to be patient at all…’

She stopped with a gratified sigh as Marcus kissed her. A long, burning kiss that was frankly unsuitable anywhere outside of a bedroom; Abigail dimly heard Winnie’s shocked squeak, but let it drift away as she slipped her arms around Marcus’ neck.

‘Well.’ Marcus smiled. ‘I have my orders. Gretna Green it is.’

‘May I go and inform the world now?’ Winnie laughed. ‘Before I die of embarrassment?’

‘Of course.’ Abigail smiled as she turned to her friend. ‘And Winnie—‘

‘You don’t need to thank me.’ Winnie smiled, shaking her head. ‘But thank you for thinking of it.’

She walked at a fast pace back down the path she and Abigail had come. Abigail watched her go, momentarily anxious that her friend would begin to run and exhaust her meagre reserves of strength, but Marcus’ gentle touch on the small of her back made her smile again. ‘Winnie will tell her parents, and they’ll tell everyone. My parents very possibly included.’

‘Then we’ll ride fast.’

‘They might try to stop us. My parents, I mean. Even if you are a duke.’ ‘

‘Then marry Marcus the highwayman, and return with Marcus the duke.’ Marcus folded her into his arms again; Abigail sighed with pleasure, unable to believe that she felt quite so happy. ‘Two men for the price of one, Abigail—and both of them love you with all their hearts.’

