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Chapter Six : What is Innocence


In the quiet darkness of the room, I could acknowledge that the bed smelt like her. It was a mixture of her slick wetness against my cock, and that vanilla scent that seemed to permeate from her very pores. There were pieces of her evident all over the room - the bathroom - the house, and I didn’t know how to keep it that way - to keep her. Because I could feel her slipping from my grasp. But she was a Vedman, so I could hardly lock her up or tie her to my bed - didn’t want to tip the scale from blessing to cursed in the eyes of the goddess. But I needed her to stay.

Her blonde hair fanned across the sheets, and I didn’t need the light to know that she looked beautiful - achingly so. Corinne was the type of woman that was beautiful to begin with, but the more you got to know her, the more prominent her beauty became. And I’d kill anyone who wanted to know her the way I did. Because those soft moans and sighs - the way her breath hitched just before she came, that was mine.

Ravi didn’t look at her once tonight. It meant that he was heeding my warning, which was good, because it’d be a damn shame to put a bullet between his eyes, cousin or no.

The family dinner had gone better and worse than what I had expected. I knew that Nina was a viper - she had always been, which was why I ensured that her fangs stayed far away from me. The last thing I needed was that harlot sinking her teeth into me. It was the size of my wallet that got her pussy wet and nothing else. But Madame Elise? What the fuck had she said to Corinne? I would have expected more tact from someone like her, which meant that now I had to pay a visit to her club tomorrow so that we could have a chat. She was pushing the boundaries of our business arrangement, and that shit wouldn’t fly with me. She needed to understand that she was replaceable - they all fucking were.

And fucking Corinne - she hadn’t contacted the chef because she wanted to cook for us. I knew that someone who bathed in sin regularly did not deserve someone like her, but I’d fucking die first before I gave her up. This girl who couldn’t cook, made a family dinner for me and mine, and she did a good job - even if the soup soured on my tongue along with the memories that accompanied it, but Corinne couldn’t know. It was ludicrous of me to assume that my little Vedman knew everything.

I squinted at the old fashioned alarm clock that sat on the bedside table next to me. Two AM. Corinne had slept for about three hours, which meant that I didn’t feel like a complete asshole when I slid into her - when I watched her eyelashes flutter, and by the third thrust, they opened in a haze of desire - just like they always did.

Her moans were addictive, and if I could consume them fully, I would have. Isis seemed to pick and choose her moments - when she would appear and make herself known, and I wasn’t even sure that Corinne knew. Often, she was so lost in that mindless haze I was almost certain that she was unaware of her surroundings - just me - she was only aware of me and what I did to her body.

Her fingernails grazed my arm as I thrust deeper into her, watching in satisfaction as her head kicked back against the pillow, leaving her neck wide open for the taking. Her exposed column practically begged for me to claim her. I bit down on the sweetness of her neck and felt the vibrations of her moan against my teeth - my lips. Her vanilla scent was intoxicating, and I wondered if that was what creation itself smelt like. Her body shuddered beneath mine, her nails clawed at my back. Her walls clamped around me, working me into my own sort of oblivion. She may not know it yet, but her body claimed me just as much as mine claimed her.

I felt the loss of her as I removed myself once I found my own release, but it was a momentary loss, for soon enough, her body pressed up against mine and she sighed in contentment. I had lied to myself. My favourite noises weren’t her moans, it was this - that little sigh that escaped her lips whilst she pressed against me, as if she felt safe - needed - guarded - and content.

I closed my eyes, allowing the sounds of her even breaths to lull me back to sleep. She had offered to mix me a tincture to help me sleep, but I had shut that shit down the minute those words had left her lips because I knew that all I needed was her. The minute I slid inside her and watched her come undone by my hand, my muscles uncoiled the tension they held, my mind became a relaxation of muddy waters where I couldn’t see any end of her. And when we lay like this, sleep came easily. I didn’t need a sleep tincture or potion, this - this was what I needed.

My stomach muscles clenched and shuddered in a way that was almost foreign. Light, sweeping touches bordering the line of ticklish graced my chest and stomach, There was absolutely nothing sexual about the way she was touching me, but my dick didn’t know that. Her scent accosted my nostrils, her body pressed against mine, and even if I wasn’t fully awake, I would have recognised Corinne anywhere.

And then her hand dipped below the sheets, her fingertips dancing along my shaft, and I groaned at the feel of her - the audacity and her willingness. I hadn’t counted on Corinne being as hungry as I was - hadn’t anticipated my virginal little Vedman boasting an appetite that almost rivalled mine.

“I know you’re awake.” Her teasing tone had my eyes flying open and I was met with a vision. She was all tousled locks and pouty lips, and I wanted nothing more than to pin her beneath me - I didn’t think I’d ever have enough of her. The ghost of a smile graced her lips, but I couldn’t think past anything other than the fact that she had just ripped the sheets from my body, leaving my hard cock standing up angrily, demanding attention.

Her breath hit the tip and I had to still my hips - halt them from bucking up, slamming myself into her mouth. The vixen of a Vedman only smiled before she ran her tongue up from my shaft to my tip, and I fisted the sheets in an attempt to not simply grab her head and fuck her mouth. I doubted the goddess would take kindly to me mouth banging her Witch. But fuck me, it was challenging - more challenging than the bullet I had to put in Miles yesterday.

As if she could sense my hesitancy - my struggle, she slid her own hand above mine and brought it towards the crown of her head, and before I could respond - explain - deny the need burning in my core - her mouth wrapped around the head of my cock and she slid her head down, hollowing out her cheeks.

We hadn’t done much in the way of oral sex - or at least Corinne hadn’t. I knew that she was ripe - fresh as a spring morning, and I didn’t know how to teach her to give me head because every girl I had been with before her had experience - mounds of it, and knew exactly what they were doing.

And despite her lack of experience - her hot mouth fumbling over my cock as she pressed her tongue against my shaft, I felt the tingle at the base of my spine and clenched my ass cheeks, halting my release. I fisted her hair once - twice, and then I couldn’t take it anymore. I hoisted her mouth off of me, her lips releasing my cock with a loud pop.

Her brow creased in confusion, and I offered her the only explanation I could.

“About to come, Bambi, didn’t think you wanted me shooting my load in your mouth.”

Her gaze softened on mine, and fuck me - she was beautiful.

She hovered above me, my cock almost touching her entrance, and for a moment we both paused - both held back slightly. Because she had never been on top, had never taken control. My fingers gripped her hips, bruising them in their uncertainty, but as I exhaled, I released her and she sank down on top of me. I slid in smoothly - easily, which told me all I needed to know - my Vedman got off on having my cock in her mouth.

I lay still, allowing her to adjust to the stretch - the fullness of it all. I knew that this angle would hit deeper - she’d feel fuller. Her breasts taunted me from above, flush and pert.

I waited for her to move - to grind - to do something. But Corinne didn’t move, she held herself perfectly still - mirroring my own strain. I watched her breaths deepen and knew she was struggling just as much as I was.

“Where did you shower yesterday?”

Her voice was breathy, and I was almost certain that if I thrust up into her right now, she would moan.

But her question made absolutely no fucking sense.

“What?” I ground out, imploring my body to remain still.

“Yesterday,” she shifted forward slightly, and that change in positioning had her stifling a moan. “Yesterday,” she swallowed in an attempt to regain her composure, “you arrived showered and changed. Where did you shower?”
