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Crystal Magick

Crystal Magick is the belief that crystals and gems are infused with varying properties that can be used for an array of tasks - protection and healing being just some.

Crystal Magick can be found in Corinne’s anklet and hairclip.

The bracelets Corinne fashioned for Arlo and Dimitri used a combination of Crystal Magick and Candle Magick.

Candle Magick

Candle Magick utilizes different coloured candles, often combined with various herbs and spices along with intention oil that is lit for different incantations or spells to receive maximum results. Sigils can also be combined within Candle Magick. Additionally, reading the wax of the burnt down candle after a spell has been cast is thought to show the outcome of the spell itself, as well as future or current indications of the person or situation that the spell pertained to.

Sex Magick

Sex Magick can be conducted solo or with a partner - or with multiple partners. The premis sits on the idea of casting your intentions into the universe/the ether upon climax. Many believe that the female body serves as a portal to other realms and all things ‘Magick’ that is far easier to access when she is orgasming. In this belief or understanding, a woman has the power to allow her male counterpart access to the veil - or other realms - by bringing her to orgasm. These beliefs tap into the ideology around divine femininity and the feminine power in itself.

Spell Jar

A Sour Jar is essentially a curse. It is a mixture of vile intentions and even worse ingredients. Should you ever stumble across a sour jar, it is strongly advised that you don’t open it, or tamper with it.

Not all Magick or Spell Jars hold curses, some can be created for prosperity, protection, or even happiness. As with most things - it’s the intention that shifts.

Tarot Cards

Tarot cards are a deck of cards that were designed to show one’s future - either in a specific situation or as a general reading. The major arcana serve as the bones of the deck, serving as the main cards that can sway a reading in various ways.

The notion states that any person can purchase a deck of cards, but not everyone is capable of reading them - there needs to be the basis of connection for such a reading to be even remotely accurate. The reader needs to be in tune with the universe/nature/a deity/their guides - these variations differ according to their own beliefs.

A fortune reading - of any kind, be it a palm reading, tea reading, wax reading, or card reading, is thought to only indicate one future possibility, but humans are nuanced and subject to change, and as with the butterfly effect, one small change can often impact quite a lot. This means that such readings present the highest probability, but due to the nature of the world shifting, nothing can be cast in concrete.

Different Magicks

There are various forms of Magick that are often tied or rooted in different historical and cultural beliefs. Voodoo - for example - sits within the Hoodoo religion and is a closed practice. Magick then is nuanced and mercurial.

Because Corinne is an eclectic Witch with no real Magickal roots, various Magickal systems and types of Magick were portrayed throughout the book. Brazilian Magick, Romanian Magick, Magick that stems from Native America, and even the threads that could be rooted into the Salem Witch trials are all woven within this tale in various shapes and forms.
