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Charles’s eyebrows rose. “If that is what you wish.”

“Well, I have reason to suspect that Andrew will need a place soon, and Falbrooke is as good as any.”

Andrew coughed. “I intended to secure a cottage. I don’t need—”

“We certainly don’t need two estates. Do not argue, Andrew. Simply express your undying gratitude toward your most wonderful sister.”

Andrew smiled warmly despite Amelia’s teasing. “I do wonder if you will force me into matrimony next.”

It was Amelia’s turn to raise her eyebrows. “After the scene upstairs I should think you would enter into that arrangement on your own.”

Andrew’s cheeks pinked and he glanced between Charles and Amelia. Clearing his throat, he said, “Lydia told you, then?”

Lydia? He called her by her Christian name? Amelia could cheer, she was so happy. Outwardly, however, she remained composed. “Only that you have entered into a courtship. I am merely assuming it will not end with anything other than matrimony.”

“I should hope not,” Andrew muttered, a smile spreading over his lips.

“What happy news,” Charles said. “I’m glad to hear it.”

Andrew rubbed his jaw. “Thank you. I believe it will be a slow journey, but I am willing to be patient. And first I must find somewhere for Lydia to complete the remainder of her confinement, for I cannot court a woman who is under my protection.”

Amelia hadn’t thought of that, but Andrew was correct. It wouldn’t be proper. “Leave it to me,” she said. “I am certain between Hattie and Giulia, one of them would be more than happy to have a guest for a few months.”

“You have a lot of faith in my ability to court successfully.”

Amelia shook her head. “No, I simply have faith that when two people care for one another, it all comes out right in the end.”

Charles reached across the space between their chairs and took her hand in his, his large, warm fingers closing around hers.

“When you brought me a patient, Charles, I hadn’t expected to fall in love,” Andrew said, somewhat awed. “How unexpected.”

Amelia glanced at the chestnut-haired gentleman beside her, handsome in his navy superfine coat and bronze waistcoat. She did not delight in surprises, either, rather preferring to be in constant awareness of everything that went on around her. To have control. But Charles had fought that comfort when he broke into her perfectly situated life and upended everything. Loving her with all of his oversized, golden heart, he had taught her that not everything needed to fit into the molds she thought they ought. Squeezing Charles’s fingers, she turned back to Andrew. “Sometimes the unexpected turns out to be the greatest blessings of our lives.”
