Page 77 of Two Kinds of Us

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“A little more now,” he murmured, eyes angling down to mine. “Ninety-five.”

Warmth shot through my bloodstream as I brought my lips oh-so-close to his. “Ninety-five?”

“Maybe ninety-nine now—”

I pressed my mouth to his, silencing the last of his words. His hands rose to my waist, kissing me deeply, fully. No room for air or thought. I swear, I could’ve done this for the rest of my life. The way he felt and tasted was nothing short of bliss, and I leaned closer against him, craving more of this heat.

And then he broke away with a small laugh, not straying too far. “What a way to start the night,” he whispered, then swallowed hard.

I traced my fingertips along his smooth cheekbone like he’d done to me so many times, bedazzled by his beauty. Someone shouldn’t be so handsome, with reddish, thick lashes that framed his Caribbean blue eyes like a work of art. I could stare at them all day, wondering what story he had hidden in their depths. “You know, it’s not too late. We could still ditch this thing.”

“And do what?” he murmured in a way that let me know he was merely humoring me.

“We could go to Downtown,” I said, walking my fingertips up his tie. “I haven’t been since that night.”

I watched the blue of his eyes dance as he recalled the memory of that night, and despite the cool air of spring, I felt warm.

“Sorry.” Harry slipped his arm around my waist, pressing a kiss against my temple. “But Margot is expecting us, and I’m not letting her hard work with this suit go to waste. And I need to meet your parents,” he added, almost as a nervous afterthought.

“It’s going to be fine,” I said, echoing the mantra I’d been repeating all day.Going to be fine, going to be fine.

“Hey, maybe this should be my own alter ego,” he told me, still holding me close. He put on an announcer’s voice, smiling. “Harrison Russo, suit-wearing stud.”

“Careful, I might have to kiss you again.” And I followed through on that, pressing one last chaste kiss against his mouth. After grabbing the house keys, I pulled back from him, offering my hand for him to take. “Shall we?”
