Page 81 of Two Kinds of Us

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“An age that demands respect,” he returned easily, his hand not wavering.

Nancy’s eyes narrowed even further at that, as though she tried to fight a smile. “That’s a good answer,” she allowed, and let him shake her hand. “Almosttoogood.”

“He’s good with words,” I told her.

“I recognize you.” Her gaze roamed him up and down before snagging at his neck. “From the restaurant. Where’s your tattoo? Was it those washable kinds?”

Harry laughed. “Tucked out of sight for the night,” he said, tugging at the collar of his shirt.

“Shouldn’t hide it,” she decided. “Makes you look sexy.”

The noise that came out of my mouth wassonot ladylike. “Ms. Nancy—”

“Let me cut in, Destelle,” Nancy said as she grabbed his hands once more. “Show me your moves, handsome.”

Harry looked at me a little wide-eyed, but he at least looked a little amused, the shadowy expression gone. “I’ll be right back,” he promised me, as Nancy quickly drew away, further out onto the dance floor, the little old lady holding onto the handsome young man like a lifeline.

Ms. Nancy stole my date. Figured. Margot practically called it.

The height difference was almost laughable since he stood almost an entire foot taller. It forced him to lean down to hear her better as she spoke. She’d captured one of his hands in hers, his other hand rested at her hip, and his grin was easy as he listened. It made my heart feel warm.

“Who in God’s name is that?”

My body locked up, the fight-or-flight reaction kicking in strong. I almost didn’t want to turn around, to just flee into the crowd of people. That might’ve worked, but I coulddefinitelysee her following me. So, I faced the music.

And when I turned, I found Mother and Father, two fire-breathing dragons. Well, Mom looked more like she could breathe fire. Dad looked confused, as if he couldn’t imagine his little girl with a boy without knowing anything about it.

“That’s Harry,” I said with way more confidence than I felt, turning back to look at him and Nancy.

“Harry?” Mom sputtered. “That’s all you have to say?”

“I answered your question.”

A thrill raced through my veins, knowing that she was melting down on the inside but couldn’t let it show. For once, I almost felt more powerful than her.

“We need you to give us more information, Destelle,” Dad said, his voice much calmer.

“Where did you meet him? How old is he?” Mom added with a hiss, “Because he looks too old for you.”

I curled my hands into fists behind my back. “He’s eighteen—only a year older. We met at a coffee shop.” What was something else I could say to pacify them? Although I gloated a little on the inside about their shocked expressions, I still wanted them to like Harry. “He volunteers, too. We volunteered at the church a few weeks back.”

Mom and Dad exchanged a look, probably using their telepathy to decide if I was lying. “Is that what your whole ‘boy speech’ was about earlier tonight?” Mom demanded.

“I wouldn’t call it a speech—”

“You should’ve asked us for permission.” Mom glanced around the space, as if someone were secretly listening in. “This isn’t the place to introduce someone.”

Or maybe Margot was right and this was the perfect place.

Dad turned back to Harry and Nancy, his expression still confused. Thank goodness their dance hadn’t ended yet—I needed to soften my parents up some more. “What did you say his name was again?”

“Harry Russo. And, trust me, he’s a great guy.”

The perplexity in Dad’s expression cleared the second Mom’s seemed to grow angrier, especially the longer she studied Harry’s face. She pursed her lips but then quickly rid herself of that expression, as if she knew it wasn’t flattering. “Wait a second. Is that the boy from Le Petit Bateau? The one with the tattoo?”

Of course she recognized him. “Yes.”

“Well, then, I can definitely see why you’d bring himhere,” she said in an even voice, but I knew she was anything but pleased. If we weren’t around so many people, I’m sure she would’ve made it known. “You can dress him up as much as you want, but he still looks like he’s trouble, Destelle.”
