Page 44 of Flying High

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Bonus Epilogue


Soyou’veprobablyheardabout me—Abbi’s terrible absentee roommate? The one keeping secrets from her bestie? The one she’s made long-term single-gal plans to start a succulent garden and buy future cats with? Yeah, that’s me.

I promise there’s a good reason for my average behavior. As soon as I know how to explain myself, I’ll have a long heart-to-heart with Abbi. I swear. But first, I need to work out what the hell is going on with me. In all fairness, this giant mess is partly Abbi’s fault. You see, about six months ago, she needed a favor at her work, Match X. It’s a small company offering a boutique matchmaking service, despite there being about a zillion crappy apps for the same thing. God knows how they’re still in business. Anyway, I was up for it. I’d been single for a while, and she set me up on a date with Chase.

And that’s when the secrets started.

Abbi seemed to sense something didn’t go quite right on that date, and once she was comfortable that I hadn’t been harmed, she left it alone. And I wasn’t harmed. Not physically, at least. But what I did have was whiplash from what started as an amazing night with the hottest guy I’d ever clapped eyes on. He was so buff, he makes Channing Tatum look like a weed. But it wasn’t just his body, it was his face as well. A thing of perfect masculine beauty, deserving of sighs and swoons. His muscles would make statues weep.

But don’t just take my word for it.

Women did double-takes when he walked past them to the bar. I caught the waitstaff huddling in a corner and pointing. In the space of an hour, two men interrupted us in a restaurant and asked him to share his workout plan. He mainly looked uncomfortable and apologized profusely for the interruptions.

I was initially thrilled to be on a date with such a hunk, plus he had manners too—opening the door for me, pulling out my seat, insisting on paying the bill. He listened while I told him about myself and complimented my outfit. He was kind to the waitress and tipped way over the odds. After our meal, we moved on to a nearby bar, and his smile, when directed at me, made my panties melt.

So how did I get from that to ending the night hightailing it home, feeling like I’d dodged a bullet, and thanking my lucky stars we had only been in contact via my Abbi and Match X?

It’s sort of shocking to think back on how close I came to being mixed up with a complete and utter manwhore who had filthy, dirty plans for me right after our date.

And I knewallabout his plans because I read them on his phone.

You’d think that was shocking enough, seeing a text spring up that would have any girl’s eyeballs popping out of their sockets. But what was equally as shocking was when he came back to the table and calmly read the very same message on his phone. Despite staring at it for almost a full minute, he didn’t seem to register any sort of reaction and then casually asked me if I’d like another drink.

Another drink? Are you kidding?I couldn’t look him in the eye. I made apologies and took off as fast as my legs would carry me.

So, the date ended, and I thought that was that.

Until I ended up stuck with him. Now, I have to see him nearly every day of the week. And that’s because of yet another issue I’m keeping from Abbi.

But the one secret that I’m really worried about is just how much Chase affects me. Despite my knowing better, every time I’m around him, some stupid part of my brain gets all giddy, despite several stern lectures and a reminder that I’mdefinitelynot into what he’s apparently into.

Should I give in to temptation or should I run a mile?
